2 - That Didn't Hurt

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~ In the Infirmary ~

"Tsss.." I hissed as the nurse dabbed on the open wound on my lip.

"Whoever did this definitely held back." The nurse mumbled as I rolled my eyes. She had seen worse, so it makes sense for her to be severely underwhelmed by me being brought into the infirmary.

"Ha.. that he did. But he was only trying to prove a point. You were right to take his punch, the next one he would have thrown would have left you in a much worse position. This. It builds character." Johnny said with a smirk, gesturing to my busted lip.

I looked away and sighed quietly. The Lieutenant punched me. For no reason. Well, I did fall out of line. But again, he did not have to do what he did.

"Besides, you'll have to act tough. Being the first woman on the field, you're going to have to take a lot of shit." He shrugged and swivelled around in his spinny chair.

His comment almost made me choke. "What?! The first woman? Why?" I questioned, turning to him. The nurse was practically done anyway, throwing away the bloody wipe.

"Yeah uh- did you not know?" He smiled sheepishly, scratching his head. "You're the first female recruit, on the field anyway. The Captain took a loongg time convincing all of us that it was worth while. But so far, I think Ghost is as opposed to it as ever."

"This Captain.. I guess I'll have to thank him personally." I mumbled and stood up to look in the mirror. My lip was cut and bruised. My jaw was sore everytime I opened it to speak. But this was nothing compared to the pain I have felt previous. Still, it was an annoyance.

"Well, you're in luck! He asked to see you personally, just before the whole- confrontation, happened. Tch... he's definitely heard about that now." Johnny sighed before standing up. "Come. I'll show you the way."

Infatuation (18+) | Ghost X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now