63 - Nonsensical Repercussions

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TW - soft play

Ghost continued to slur his words and babble nonsense to me. Mainly consisting of just calling me 'kitten' or how pretty I looked, variations of that really. But of course I listened and responded to his babble, even if I didn't understand half of what he was saying.

We made it back to the apartment a little bit after the rest of them. We walked in where the boys were on the couch and the girls were standing in front of them with their arms crossed.

I took Ghost to our bedroom and lied him down on our bed. "Stay here, okay? I'll be right back." I reassured him, kissing him on the cheek.

"Y-yes ma'am." He nodded, sighing heavily once his head hit the pillow.

I went back into the living room and stood infrony of the boys. "Who's going to explain what the fuck just happened?" I questioned.

"I juuust suggested d-drinks!" Johnny spoke out in a huff. "I didn't think G-Ghost would drink all their whiskeyy!"

"I don't care if he drank all the liquor they offered. Why the fuck was there a brawl? And look at the pair of you as well." I sighed, pointing out their scuffed up state. The neighbouring base was also beat up pretty bad.

Johnny turned to Konig and then nudged him, not wanting to answer. We waited in silence for a moment before Konig spoke.

"They s-said some bullshit. So we f-fought them." He shrugged.

"Okay. So how the fuck did that then turned to Ghost only fighting this prick?"

"G-Ghost insisted! He wanted to end it!" Johnny sighed heavily, groaning at the interrogation.

"And the knife? It didn't occur to you two that this prick had a knife?"

"There was a knife?" "I don't r-remember a knife?" They murmured amongst themselves.

"Fuck me.." I sighed, heavily turning my attention to the Lieutenant. "You, are tipsy at most. I don't need a breathalyser to prove that- We'll just forget this happened, most will anyway. No need for a report, I'll keep my side shut, you do the same." I explained, handing his knife back.

"C-copy that. Ma'am." He answered, standing up.

It was in the best interest for all of us, nobody wanted disciplinary action taken against them.

I saw the Lieutenant out and instructed Lucy and Hope to take the boys out. Angelina went back to her room, seemingly exhausted from the whole situation.

Grabbing the med kit and some water, I went back into the bedroom to see Ghost fast asleep, his mask finally off. It was nice to see him so peaceful , even if he had caused so much havoc today. "Wake up, love. I need to stitch you up." I spoke, crawling on top of him.

He opened one eye to look at me then closed it again.

"Come on, Riley. Sit up and take your shirt off before you get an infection." I instructed once more.

Now both his eyes opened and he raised his hand, tugging on my top lightly. "Y-you first." He muttered seriously.

This man needed to get his priorities straight. I decided to comply, it was the easiest way to patch him up. I pulled off my top and unclipped my bra, his eyes widening at the sight. Immediately, he grabbed my breast, fondling it with a cheeky smirk.

"F-fuck.." I hissed but grabbed his wrist to stop him. "Get up." I ordered and finally, he sat up, grunting from the pain at his side.

I helped him take his shirt off to reveal a bloody gash at his side. Ghost looked down at it in shock then looked up at me. "W-who did that?!" He yelled furiously.

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