24 - White Room

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The ceiling was white.

"Not again.." I grumbled, looking around. The room was empty. There was a dull pain in my shoulder and a throbbing one at my ankle.

"Your regular company are either busy or bed ridden." The nurse explained, walking in with her flip chart. "We should name a bed after you here."

"What are the injuries?" I sighed, sitting up.

"Dislocated left shoulder, gunshot wound that went clean through said shoulder, fractured right ankle, concussion, right knee contusion, hmm.. a couple bruises and scratches here and there." She listed. "Albeit, you were the lucky one. But it's best to stay here. You're not going to though, are you?"

"No. I'm not." I muttered, crawling out of bed and grabbing the crutch that waited there for me. "Where's Ghost?"

"The Lieutenant is in the private infirmary. He remains in critical condition, and is not taking visitors." She warned.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Yeah, fuck that."

I left the infirmary and limped my way over to the private infirmary. Thankfully, it wasn't too far because with every step I took, I felt like my right leg had been dipped in hot lava.

"Halt. You do not have the relevant authorisation to enter the private infirmary." The soldier stated, looking down at me.

"Move out of my way." I hissed.

"I can't do that, Y/n. I follow the rules." He sighed.

"And what the fuck is that suppose to mean?" I questioned.

"Look- what you've done, since you've been here.. it's noble, to say the least. But, I can't let you in here, it's the rules."

"If you don't move right now, soldier, I will knock you on your ass with my one good arm and leg." I warned, stepping forward.

The soldier cleared his throat, stepping to the side. Either he actually felt threatened or he felt pity. Whatever it was, it worked.

I entered the private infirmary and tracked down the room Ghost was located in. It wasn't hard, I just had the find the room that had the most soldiers posted outside of it.

I approached the room but again, was stopped by the soldiers. "Ma'am, you cannot enter. You don't have-"

"The relevant authority. I know." I hissed. "Just move out of my fucking way." I pushed passed the soldiers before they could even react. Moreso, they didn't want to touch me. I looked fragile. Well, I was fragile. With my body wrapped in bandages and the cast I was slugging around on my foot.

I opened the door and saw Price sitting down on the chair. "I was wondering when you'd get here." He said with a small smile.

"I would have gotten here quicker if you had given me the clearance to."

"Just wanted to see your resilience."

I rolled my eyes and closed the door behind me.

But then my eyes landed on the colourless figure stoic on the bed. "Fuck me.." I approached slowly, quietly. He was still asleep.

"He's stable, for now. I will need your report. This mission took out two of our best, I need to know what happened." Price explained, standing up.

"It was my fault. I'm the reason he's barely alive. If- If I had just listened and left the weapons when he ordered to- He wouldn't be like that right now if it wasn't for me." I frowned.

"You're right. He wouldn't. He'd be dead. You saved him." Price said sternly, placing a hand on my shoulder. "The mission was a success. You're both here, and you put up one hell of a fight. We all saw what you did. You should be proud of yourself, not regretful." He squeezed my shoulder lightly and left the room

I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. How could I be fucking proud of myself? The sight I was seeing... he was hooked up to multiple machines, wires flowing out of his body. Almost every of his skin that was exposed had a bandage covering it. His hands were rugged and bruised, yet his face remained covered with that stupid black cloth. I couldn't even read his face, the pain he was in.

I hated it.

I picked up the chart that was on his bedside table and looked through the list of his injuries.

Two gunshot wounds to the right of his chest, one clean through, one split. Two bruised ribs, one fractured which caused internal bleeding. A fractured right wrist and sprained forearm. Various sizes of glass pulled out leading to multiple stitches and a concussion.


I guess I was the lucky one.

~ A couple days later ~

Some time had passed. Ghost hadn't woken up, not even momentarily. I practically lived in that private infirmary, only leaving to shower or attend my own checkups. Price did try to convince me to leave, saying it was affecting my mental health. But I avidly refused. I needed to be here for when he woke up, I needed to be the first to know that he was okay.

The nurse had instructed me to replenish his IV drip and monitor his vitals. She said if I was gonna be there I might as well make myself useful. She also told me to talk to him, to keep him aware. But I think she just wants to paint me as crazy.

"You wouldnt believe what just happened to me." I started, sitting back down on the chair and putting my food on his bedside table. "I was lined up in the Cafeteria to get breakfast right and everyone had been super understanding of my situation. But this one guy- he called me a hindrance! And pushed in front of me! Can you believe it? After everything I did!" I ranted, really getting myself aggravated. "So I said to him, do you also want to become a hindrance? And he was like, you shouldn't even be here. You have no place here anymore. And I said, well I am here so continue to cry about it. Then I pushed him out of the way with my crutch and paid for my food. He was not happy." I smirked.

"I bet." Ghost replied.

"Oh you should have seen the look on his face when I shoved him out of the-" I started but then furrowed my eyebrows. My eyes actually focused for a moment on Ghost, his eyes staring right back at me.

Fuck me.

I was stunned. I couldn't even form any words to say.

"Are you in pain?" He asked with a frown.

"I should be asking you that." I sighed, sitting up properly. "How are you feeling?"

"I've been through worse." He grumbled, trying to sit up as he winced in pain. I instinctively reached forward to help him, bringing up his pillow so he could lean back comfortably.

"I-I need to go get the doctor! Wait here." I spoke, standing up.

"Don't. Eat first." He instructed, looking at the food on his table.

I nodded slowly and sat back down. I broke off a piece of the croissant. "You want some?" I asked.

He looked down at my hand. "Go on then." He accepted.

I reached up but then remember his mask. His eyes stayed on me steadily. "Take it off."

I gulped. The only time I had seen his face was that one night outside the gates. And even then, I could barely make out what he looked like. Now, I would be able to see it all on display.

My hand trembled as I touch the bottom of fabric that hung from his jawline. Carefully, I pulled down the fabric to reveal his face.


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