70 - The Distance

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I couldn't hear, see, or feel anything besides Ghost's arms clutching onto me. I refused to open my eyes as the force pushed against me.

But then I heard a click, and my body pressed against his, the resistance decreasing to a more manageable state. My eyes fluttered open to see open fields, crops, and grazing animals. Ghost was steering us expertly away from the tree cover.

Within a matter of moments, we were nearing the ground. "Legs out and toes up!" Ghost yelled loud enough for me to hear. I followed his instruction and did just that.

We both landed straight into the open field, Ghost breaking my fall as we rolled to the side, the chute cascading behind us.

I panted heavily, ripping off my head gear and throwing it to the side.

"F-fuck... you do this often?" I groaned, sitting up which resulted in Ghost being pulled up too.

"Too often." He smiled at my reaction, unclipping us and taking off his own gear. He fixed his mask and stood up, holding a hand out to me. "Let's move."

I nodded and grabbed his hand, pulling me up. "Where we heading now?" I asked curiously, following his lead.

"To our lodging. Its not far." He reassured.

~ 2 Hours Later ~

He lied. It was far. And we walked for the longest time. I was used to it but it didn't stop me from complaining. We spent most of it in silence because of my shitty mood, and rightly so. I was dragging my feet at this point.

"Keep up, soldier." Ghost teased, walking far ahead in front of me.

"Fuck you." I hissed. "How did you forget to book travel?" I questioned, pulling my hair up into a ponytail under the blazing heat.

"As I mentioned, it was an emergency. The lodging was the priority, not how we get there." He sighed, stopping in his tracks so I could catch up. Then he got down on one knee.

"If you're proposing to me, you're facing the wrong way." I muttered, seeing the back of him.

"Not on my cards yet. For a while." He retorted, looking back at me. "Get on. We're not far, but I'll carry you." He suggested.

"Don't have to tell me twice." I gleamed, my bad mood suddenly disappearing. I climbed onto his back, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. With ease, he lifted me up and clutched onto my legs.

"You're heavy, woman." He taunted, granting a pinch on his ear from me.

"I am not. You bench double me." I pouted to which he laughed, beginning to walk.

~ An Hour Later ~

"And then I was like to Lucy that maybe Harold didn't like her and only wanted her attention because she could get into Comms and change his granted access level. Angelina figured that he was going to pull something like that, but none of us thought that-" I rambled but then perked up from behind Ghost. I had been talking his ear off for the whole journey, informing him of all the gossip. He didn't care, but he listened, I even got grunts of approval and nods from him. "Is that a.. a farm?" I asked, pointing at the barns and country house.

"Mhm." He answered, propping me higher on his back and walking through the gates. "It's where we'll be staying. You like horses?" He asked.

"Do I like horses?" I repeated. "Of course!" I grinned as he stopped, patting me on the thigh to signal me off. I nodded and jumped off him to my feet. "How long are we staying here for?" I asked.

"For the night, maybe two." He answered, fixing his mask in place before beckoning me to follow him to the front door.

He knocked on the door and waited a moment. Then it opened, revealing an older man, perhaps in his late 30's, sporting farmer's overalls and a straw hat.

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