42 - The Outcome

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~ Back At Base ~

We were all gathered in the courtyard. Stressed and bloody. The ML walked in and approached me, a glare in his eyes. "You compromised the mission, soldier." He snarled, entering my personal space. And just like that, the courtyard fell silent, anticipating what would happen next.

"I compromised the mission? What the fuck was that?!" I yelled, letting go of my crutch and pushing him back. Hard. "You didn't have the balls to call it! What the fuck were you afraid of?!"

"If you hadn't-" He started but I cut him off.

"No, soldier. If I hadn't taken the shot, there'd be more blood on your hands. I saved your ass, and everybody knows it." I hissed.

He was angry. He looked like he wanted to maul me. And once again, he tried to enter my space but Konig got between us. "That's enough! Everyone, back to dorms. Vixen, on me." He ordered, picking up my crutch and handed it to me.

I gave the ML a sour smile before turning to follow Konig. Oh he did not like that.

Konig had dropped me off at the infirmary for a post mission check up. He didn't say anything about what I did on the mission so I can only assume I did the right thing since I didn't get scolded.

"There she is. Lady of the hour." The nurse smiled, leading me over to the bed. "What were my instructions? You know, the advice I gave you to heal up quick."

"No physical activity and lots of rest." I repeated, like clockwork as I sat down.

"And you had sex." She said bluntly to which I almost choked.

"W-what?" I questioned, wide eyed.

"Don't play coy. The Lieutenant had requested a contraceptive pill to be delivered to his door this morning." She explained with a small sigh.

"And?! That doesn't mean I-"

Then she hooked a finger on my turtle neck and pulled it down slightly to reveal his lovemarks. "Are you going to tell me you had a rager with a hair straightener?" She teased, pulling out her clipboard.

"We didn't have sex though!" I yelled, maybe a little too loud, my cheeks going red.

"Then why did you need the morning after pill?" She questioned.

I fell silent. How could I best explain it? "Nah, you're right. We had sex." I muttered, opting for the easiest answer.

"I knew it! Gotta get my money from Johnny now." She grinned.


"We had a bet. He was idiotic enough to believe you weren't the recipient of-"

"Okay! Yeah! I got it!" I rushed, cutting her off. Who actually didn't know at this point?

"But how are you feeling?" She asked, turning all professional.

"I'm feeling that bit more better. My shoulder is less strained and my knee is no longer bright purple." I explained as she took note. "And I've been up to date with my-"

"Y/n! You need to see this!" Lucy busted through the door, heaving. Both me and the nurse looked at her in horror.

"Lucy! This is an infirmary, you can't just-" the nurse began but she shook her head and approached, pulling me off the bed.

"No because you need to see this." She urged.

"N-nurse I'll be right back! Promise!" I yelled after her as Lucy dragged me away.

"Luce where are we going?!"

"You'll see." She frowned, leading me over to the information board that detailed the deployment of soldier.

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