23 - Vehicular Slaughter

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"Get in! I'll drive!" Ghost yelled, hauling all the bags into the back seat with me. I nodded and sat in the passenger seat.

Hitting his foot straight onto the gas, we swiftly exited the street and made it onto the highway.

Again, the roads were empty, the city was silent. It was tense. Like disaster was waiting for us.

"How did you know?" He asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

"I received intel." I returned, but then caught a glimpse in the rearview mirror. "What the fuck.." I mumbled, tilting it slightly.

There were lines of cars speeding down the road, directly on our tail. "We're being followed." Ghost confirmed.

"Followed?! We're being sent to our graves! They sent a whole fucking militia." I hissed, taking out my gun. It was a 9mm. Not near enough firepower. But then a smirk appeared on my face. "Permission to use the stolen goods?"

Ghost sighed, looking back up at the mirror to confirm his judgement. "Do it."

I grinned before practically jumping into the back and tearing open one of the bags like it was a present on Christmas. I pulled out an M4 Carbine before scooting to the side and opening the window.

"Firing." I alerted, propping the gun against the window and using the scope. I began to fire, meeting resistance in return.

But I was a sharpshooter, it only took a couple bullets to puncture the tires and lessen the flurry of cars that were on us.

Whoever manned these cars relied on luck, spraying bullets wherever possible. But it only took one to hinder me heavily. One that I felt barely scrape my arm. "Fuck." I grumbled.

"You okay?" Ghost called out.

"Fine." I replied, backing out for safety. "Six cars still in pursuit, six down." I updated, reloading the gun.

"You work fast." He praised, which made me grin. It was rare to hear him say something positive, I definitely will hold onto that.

"Going up." I said, crawling onto the seats and opening the skylight so I had better vision. Peeking out, there was no fire. Maybe they realised their efforts were void because our car was bulletproof.

Nevertheless, I was having fun. Once again, I used the scope to take out further cars, resulting in fatal crashes as one would block the way for the others. This was the work I was proud of. I spent my whole life honing this skill and finally got to put it to use.

Suddenly, the sound of bullets picked up again. But this time... it came from behind?

"Y/N! Get down!" Ghost shouted. The car began to swerve. I dropped down back into the car but then we were rammed.

Another vehicle smashed into the corner of our car whilst the spray of bullets continued. I landed horribly on my ankle. I felt it twist and give in as I fell onto my side, cracking my shoulder on the car floor.

It was all a haze. We rolled over, spun out before bashing straight into a wall. Glass was everywhere, there was a hissing sound. I could barely move.

But I needed to move.

Throbbing pain was felt all over my body as I willed myself to move. Grabbing the gun, I used it to prop myself up, and pull myself onto the backseat.

There was a loud ringing in my ear. I could only rely on my blurry vision.

The car door opened the reveal a grungy man in black. He lifted his gun at me but I pulled the trigger. My finger stayed on it as I filled his body with holes.

I crawled out of the car, trying to catch my breath. Now I was running on pure adrenaline. The sound of bullets didn't stop. We were still under attack.

But that sound pulled me back to reality.

"Ghost!" I yelled, pulling myself forward to open the front car door.

There he was. Limped to side. Lifeless.

It struck panic in me.

I got up on my feet, my ankle feeling like it was detaching from my body. But I didn't care.

With all my might, I pulled him out of the car, my shoulder feeling like it was about to be ripped out itself.

Finally I got him out and leaned him against the car.

"Ghost! You with me?!" I yelled, reaching up to feel his pulse as my eyes scanned his body.

He was hurt. Bad.

I could see two bullet wounds. Multiple rips in his clothing revealing gruesome slashes and bruises. Glass was stuck and lodged.

His fingers twitched slightly. "G-Go.. Get out of here." He groaned, moving slightly.

My hand moved to cup his face gently. "Stay here. I got this. Y-You see anyone, you shoot. Your life depends on it." I instructed, giving him the gun that was on the man I just killed.

I don't got this. It was only a matter of time before I collapsed myself. I could barely stand.

But I had to push through this.

I rummaged through the bag, grabbing two grenades and an Ak-47.

Peeking out from behind the car, I surveyed the situation at hand. More cars had joined the fray. Our car was totalled. We had no means of escape.

I unhooked the grenade and threw it at the cars in front, immediately throwing the second one after, aiming more at the back. Hiding behind the car, I heard the boom and scanned the scene, taking out any guys who I could see were still standing.

Some cars had caught alight. Good.

Then I froze, gripping my gun tightly as I hear a car door open from behind me. The car that had crashed into us had another man emerge from it.

I must have killed the driver. This was the shooter aiding him. He held his gun up, aiming it at Ghost. But before he could pull the trigger, I lifted mine.

Hurriedly, I shot at him without the aid of the scope. It was messy, bullets piercing through his torso. But it got the job done as he fell to the ground.

I sighed in relief but then jolted forward. My eyes wavered as I looked down at my broken shoulder. Blood poured out, staining my clothes.

"W-what..?" The impact made me stumble to the ground. But I used the gun to support my weight so I didn't collapse.

I can't give up, not yet.

But I could feel my eyes get heavy. It was involuntary. The bullets resumed from behind me.

The gun slipped from my grip and I hit the ground with a thump. I lifted my head up to see Ghost in the corner.

Someone else approached, and then another, and another.

"N-No..!" I coughed out, mustering all my energy to claw my way over to him. But it was no use.


Was that.. Price?

"Don't move!" He urged, running over to me.

It was Price. I breathed a sigh of relief, tears continuously falling from my eyes.

"Christ- the state you're in.. Johnny! Get over-" He hissed.

But I couldn't hold on any longer. I was worn out. I'm tired. I'm hurt.

"Y/n! Stay with me!"

It was no use. I was gone.

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