4 - Weak Inhibitions

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TW - angst/fluff

~ The Next Day ~

I woke up in my new room, my new home. It was small, but cosy. Very army-like, very much decorated without a womanly touch. I'd definitely have to add some flowers, or colour in general.

I crawled out of bed and got ready for the day, putting on a pair of blue jeans that were ripped at the knees and a tie front black top. There was no mail, no notice, therefore I took the liberty to assume that I had a free day and got to dress comfortably.

Before heading out, I stopped by my mirror and looked at my lip. "That's bruised alright..." I sighed heavily and shook my head. It could have been way worse.

Breakfast was serving in the Cafeteria and I was one of the last few in the line. As expected, the food was nothing delicious, just sausages and eggs, the usual breakfast. I sat down at a table to myself, accompanied by many stares. It seems that gossip travels just as fast as bullets these days. It was like high school all over again.

I tried to pay no mind to it and started on my breakfast. That was until a lady sat down next to me. She looked about my age with her blonde hair pulled back into a slick ponytail. She was a little taller than me and had a thick build, something that made her look extremely flattering in the typically ugly army wear.

"I hope you don't mind me sitting here, it's quite rare to see another woman around here that isn't toying with the men." She laughed, picking at the eggs on her plate. "I'm Lucy, working in Communications." She smiled with a mouth full of food.

"I'm Y/n, field agent." I returned with a smile of my own. She was right though. Looking around, the sparce amount of women that were dotted around the room were far away from one another, surrounded by a flock of men each.

"Field agent? The very first I see, we love a strong woman." She grinned. "But I must say... are the rumours true?" She lowered her voice, moving closer.

I tilted my head with slight confusion. "What rumours?"

"Y'know... that you gave Ghost a run for his money? Taught him a lesson... basically fucked him up." She rambled.

"What? No- don't get it twisted. I should have, but I merely dodged an attack. There was no 'lesson' involved." I sighed. No wonder Ghost was so hostile yesterday. Unless he's just always like that, which also seems to be the case. Regardless, rumours come and go, I'll just have to see this through until the next hot topic arrives.

"Oh- well, forget everything I said then. I really thought-" She started awkwardly but then suddenly stopped when a pretentious figure loomed over us. "L-Lieutenant!" She squealed, immediately standing up with a salute.

"You. Come." He uttered, drilling his eyes into my head.

I nodded slowly and looked down at my food. I was starving, and even though I had to behave myself, I wasn't going to forego a free meal for an unprecedented orded. Picking up my tray, I muttered a quick goodbye to Lucey before following Ghost out of the Cafeteria.

We made it outside before he stopped dead in his tracks, almost causing me to bump into the back of him if I wasn't careful. He then turned out around slowly.

"Put the food down."

I complied with his order and put the tray down on the ground. The moment I stood back up straight, he walked towards me. Behind his visor I could see the glare I was all too familiar with.

Matching his footsteps, I walks back slowly until my back hit the wall. 'Shit..' I thought as I looked up at him.

"Am I a fool?" He questioned, staring down at me with piercing daggers.

I shook my head and looked down at the ground. What was he on about? When did I ever call him a fool?

Suddenly his hand slammed against the brick wall beside my head, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Look at me and use your words. Am I a fool?" He growled, leaning closer to my face.

"N-no.." I mumbled, feeling my knees weaken as I looked up at him. His body was so close to mine, his hand barely grazing my hair. My heart was beating out of my chest. What was this feeling? I have not felt like this in a long time. I could hear the sound of his teeth clench behind his mask, his eyes not lifting off mine for even a second.

"That's 'No Sir'." He growled, moving his other hand to the wall beside my head once again. I was fully trapped in a cage that was his body. "I heard what you've been saying about me." He trailed off, moving closer to my ear.

I froze in that moment. His breath fanned against my ear through his mask which sent tingles down my spine. At this point, I'm sure he could feel my body heat rising off me.

"You're weak, woman. You should not be here. Your inhibitions will be my demise." He whispered lowly into my ear. Slowly, I felt his knee pushing my legs apart, almost going unnoticed with how silent his movements were. "Treat me like a fool again, and I'll show you who's in charge." He said with a small lick of his lips.

Suddenly, he pulled away and put a distance between us. My body remained tensed and in shock. What just happened? I felt a warmth in my core and my hands were clammy from the moment he laid his dark eyes on me.

"Get changed. And leave the food." He ordered, putting his hands in his pockets as he started to walk away, unbothered about what just occurred.

It took me a moment to recompose myself and think over what the hell just happened. I shook my head in disbelief and looked down at the half eaten food on my tray. "I'm off the clock.. sir. I need to eat breakfast."

He cocked his head back to look at me. "Not anymore. You're on the clock until I say so. You've been moved to my personal command. Mission brief starts in an hour." He replied stoically before continuing to walk.

What? His command? "Price..." I hissed under my breath. This was definitely his doing. Why though? What is he trying to prove? Whatever it was, I don't expect a pleasant experience.

Hesitantly, I left the tray of food on the ground and began walking back to my room. This should be fun.

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