10 - Eye For An Eye

897 26 13

TW - gore

~ 3 days later ~

Ugh.. my head hurts. My eyes stirred open and I was met with a white ceiling. Where am I?

"F-fucking hell..." I grumbled, sitting up slowly whilst holding my head.

"O-oh my God! NURSE!" Johnny panicked as he shot out of his chair. "You're awake? Get back down!" He hissed, pushing on my shoulders gently to lie me back down.

The nurse hurried over, worry in her eyes. "How are you feeling?" She asked, shining a light into my pupils.

"Like I've had a head on collision with a truck." I groaned, lying back down.

"Well. That's better than most. Way better in fact. Three doses of tranquilliser? It's miracle you're even able to speak." She sighed, throwing her gloves off into the bin. "You should rest for the next few days. I'll need to continue monitoring you." She muttered before taking her leave.

"For fucks sake... what happened?" I questioned, looking over at Johnny.

"Well- uh. You fainted and uh- Ghost took care of it." He said sheepishly, unsure of how to sum up all the events that occurred, especially because he wasn't present.

"He did?" I mumbled and then my eyes went wide with a sudden realisation. The comms! They must have heard through the comms!


The comms...

They heard through the comms.

"What? Are you okay?" Johnny questioned, rising out of his chair noticing the shock in my face.

"Johnny... you didn't hear, did you?" I turned my head to look at him with daggers.

"H-hear what? N-no.. I didn't hear a thing! I swear it!" He professed nervously.

"Did you see anything, Johnny?" I glared, sitting up once more and getting closer to him.

He gulped anxiously and looked down at my chest before looking away. "Um.. I may have seen something.."

"If you tell a soul-" I started but then shook my head in a huff. "This cannot be on file." I hissed and stood up, almost stumbling over with the feeling in my legs only just returning.

"W-wait Y/n! You shouldn't be moving! Where are you even going?" He sighed heavily, walking over to help me.

"To find Ghost. I need to speak with him. And you can't convince me otherwise." I frowned holding onto the IV drip stand, almost acting as a support.

"You're stubborn, you know that? He's in interrogation." He sighed, stepping out of the way to clear the path for me. Then his eyes darkened. "But I wouldn't suggest you go in there. He's a savage."

I rolled off his comment and walked out the door, wheeling the IV drip along. It didn't take long to get to the get to the interrogation room, especially after following the signs.

I walk in to see Captain Price onlooking the interrogation. His head zipped around when he heard the door open. "Y/n? You shouldn't be here." He sighed heavily, shaking his head.

"Who's in the room?" I asked, closing the door behind me and walking over to the glass. Luckily you could see out but they can't see in.

"Henri Starke, and the Devil Incarnate." Price muttered, crossing his arms as I stared out the glass.

It was none other than Ghost. He brewed over Henri, like a monster. His fists were bloodied and his attire worn out. By the way his muscles tensed, I could tell he hadn't slept for days.

"He looked after you, y'know. Didn't leave your room for a second. Until we had to physically pull him out that is, to get him to talk." Price mentioned, ushering his finger towards the bloody mess that was Henri. "He was in a rage, needed an outlet. What best than to take it out here."

That he did. Henri's face was swollen at every angle. His fingers were crooked and missing nails, dried blood replacing them. The way his arms sprawled over the chair looked like he had been torn into by an animal. Dark circle encompassed his tired eyes and his hair was now a putrid shade of reddish brown.

"Still won't give me a name?" Ghost said with a growl, picking up a pair of pliers.

It was like he knew exactly what to do and how to do it to cause immense pain but also keep his victim alive.

"I-I don't know! They d-didn't tell me!" Henri cried out, wailing in his seat. But Ghost didn't like that answer.

"Open wide." He said with a small smirk.

Oh? That sounded familiar..

I was quickly snapped from my thoughts by a blood curdling scream. Ghost held Henri's mouth wide open with one hand as his other hand went fishing for a tooth. After clasping onto one, he began the progress of ripping it out. But this was no merciful act, no.

He took his time loosening that tooth. Slowly moving the pliers side to side which almost made Henri convulse.
"AHHHHHH" He screamed before Ghost yanked the tooth from it's place. Blood sprayed from his mouth as Ghost looked at the tooth like it was a prize.

"Now. Speak." He said with a devilish look in his eye.

Was he enjoying this?

"Nnggh.. I-I promise.. I don't k-know.." Henri groaned, fading in and out of consciousness.

"Oh you don't? But a location is not good enough. Definitely not for your life." Ghost glared as he dropped the pliers on the floor, gravitating towards the table of weapons. There he picked up a hammer and some screws.

Ghost was methodical, careful. He still needed Henri alive.

"Did you really think you could get away? After what you did to her?" He questioned, leaning his head to the side to crack his neck. Ghost was really letting off some steam.

"S-she was just a quick fuck! I promise! I mean-... d-did you see her racks?" Henri said with a suggestive look. It seemed like he was going for relatability, but it clearly didn't work.

"I did. They weren't yours to see." He scowled, preparing a screw on the top of Henri's index finger. With a loud bang, the screw drove into his finger, splitting the skin and flesh in an instant.

Henri jumped with a deafening yell, causing the screw to pull apart his finger, revealing the shattered bone underneath.

That's it. I couldn't watch it no more.

"Where are you going?" Price questioned as he saw me approach the door. "The Lieutenant doesn't like to be interrupted." He warned.

"He won't be." I muttered before opening the door.

Ghost turned towards the door. "Leave." He winced, his eyes running over me to see the state I was in. "That 's an order." He growled, moving to stand in front of me, blocking my view of Henri.

"I refuse." I retorted, trying to push him out of my way. But it was no use, he was a tower of man, unmovable. "Get. out. of. my. Way." I glared, continuing to try and push him. "This is my fight."

Ghost sighed heavily and glanced at the window. He didn't have to see through to know that Price was smirking. He grabbed my hands gently to stop my outcry. "Okay-.. okay. Do what you need. I'll be here." He let go of my hands and stepped out of the way.

"B-boy... am I glad to see you..." Henri murmured, letting out a breath of relief. "He. H-Him..? Crazy, right?" He laughed slightly, throwing his head back.

It seemed he had finally lost his marbles.

"Heh.. what you don't seem to understand, Henri, is that I am crazier."

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