44 - Working Overtime

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TW - soft play/ NSFW

"Okay Cunningham, take a deep breath for me." I instructed, flicking the tip of the needle.

"M-Ma'am.. must we do this?" He frowned, looking at the needle petrified.

"If we don't that gunshot will get infected. We've had this discussion since you were admitted. It's a must." I said sternly, pinching his arm lightly to make the vein pop. "Look away. 3, 2, 1." I counted down, injecting him with the antibiotics and then removing the needle, quickly taping a cotton pad to it. "See. Was that so hard?"

"More than the gunshot itself." Cunningham grumbled, lying back down in a huff.

"Ma'am! I need help!" Another soldier called out from behind a curtain further down into the room.

"On my way!" I yelled in return, picking up the tray of medical utensils and putting them in an area to get disinfected.

"Is it dinner time already?" I smiled, taking a seat beside the soldier. He was very badly injured, both his arms being broke in a round of torture. Because of an unidentified rat, many of our missions had been compromised, resulting in too many casualties. It was one of the reasons I took up shifts at the infirmary, if I couldn't help on the field I wanted to help outside of it.

And dare I say, my medical knowledge was now quite vast.

"Yes Ma'am, the nurse said I am still to be-"

"Fed easily digestible food." I finished off his sentence. "It's not the best tasting but atleast you'll be able to keep it down." I spoke, warming up his food in the microwave.

"But when will I be able to eat other stuff? I miss my tea and biscuits." He laughed a little.

"All in good time, sir." I reassured, stirring the bowl which was just plain rice with finely cut chicken. "For now, let's focus on this yummy food." I teased, feeding him spoonfuls slowly.

"I guess being fed by a pretty lady makes it more tolerable." He laughed, and I smiled, rolling my eyes.

He was an older soldier with many years of experience under his belt. Maybe just a little younger than Ghost. But it was unlucky what happened to him. I couldn't fix him, but I could make his recovery easier.

"L-Lieutenant! You can't just barge in here! She's busy!" I heard the nurse yell. Then the curtain swung open, startling us both.

The soldier almost choked on his food. "L-Lieutenant!" He greeted and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Take a seat outside, love. I won't be long." I assured. He didn't say a word, simply closing the curtain in a small huff.

I sighed quietly and continued to feed the patient. After a few minutes, he was done eating and I stood up. "Look after yourself, soldier. You'll be out of this place before you know it." I smiled, holding the bowl in my hand.

"Thanks, Ma'am. I hope so too."

I walk out from the curtain to see Ghost waiting, holding a cigarette in his hand that he was just about to light. He seemed impatient. I quickly swiped the cigarette from his mouth. "Not here. Follow me." I smiled, shaking my head as I dropped the bowl by the sink.

"Leaving already?" The nurse frowned.

"Sorry, Hope. But more duties call." I replied, gesturing to Ghost who had his arms crossed. "If things get busy, I'm sure the trainees will be able to help."

"But nobody can stick a needle like you can." Hope sighed.

"They'll learn. Come on, love." I spoke,  taking his hand and leading him out of the infirmary.

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