33 - Not Misinformed

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Ghost held the door open, waiting for me to enter. As I did, he placed his hand on my ass, giving it a squeeze whilst he kicked the door closed.

I sighed quietly, sitting down on the chair. At this point, I should label it with how often I come in here.

"What's made you angry, woman?" He questioned, approaching me from behind.

"Nothing." I grumbled, crossing my arms.

He then pulled on my ponytail with a little force, causing me to look up at him. "Ow! What was that for?" I hissed as his hand let go, reaching down to rest under my chin.

"I can't help unless you talk to me." He muttered, drawing circles on my neck with his thumb.

"Who was that lady?" I questioned.

With a sigh, he let go of my chin, walking back to his chair.

"Who is she?" I repeated, sitting up properly now.

"Natasha Sokolov." He answered bluntly, returning back to his computer in an attempt to evade the question.

"Don't fuck with me, Riley." I said spitefully which caused him to look at me sternly.

"Natasha Sokolov is the Deputy Director of Diplomatic Relations, an ally base that tries to resolve crises peacefully." He explained, leaning forward onto his desk. "She should not concern you."

"Should not concern me? She asked you to dinner, and you didn't refuse." I frowned.

"That is not what she meant, woman."

"Is it not? Then I guess you best take her up on that offer to find out what she really meant. Maybe for a quick fuck? Or just a wholesome night?" I glared.

The back handedness of that woman. It was very hard to believe she was in charge of diplomacy, with all that fakeness radiating off of her.

"Y/n." He growled, standing up from his desk.

"No. You do not get to do all that. Not after just standing there whilst she ripped into me." I opposed in return.

Then the door opened. Konig had returned.

"Sir. I saw her out." He updated, glancing at me.

"Good. Y/n, you're dismissed." Ghost instructed, sitting back down.

"You're kicking me out?" I questioned but was only answered with silence. I looked up at Konig then back at Ghost. "Fucking two peas in a pod." I grumbled under my breath before taking my leave.

I just don't understand. He put on this whole show last night. This morning. He just let the red head say those things to me? He had the authority, he could have stuck up for me. But instead he chose to go along with it and just say goodbye to her. It made me wonder just what else they said to eachother behind closed doors.

"Hey!.. who pissed in your cereal?" Lucy asked, catching up to me in the corridor. "I was just about to get lunch. Come with. I have news." She smiled excitedly.

"Oh you don't even know.." I grumbled, following along.

Lucy grabbed trays for the both of us and sat down opposite me. "You have a glow about you. But also a mean mug. It's a weird contrast." She pondered, trying to decipher how I was feeling.

"We fucked, Luce." I whispered, leaning in.

Her mouth dropped. "You did what?!" She yelled but I quickly shushed her so not to draw attention. "You did what?" She repeated back in a whisper.

"I went over to his last night and he put his head inbetween my fucking legs. But then today, he's chatting with this red head." I scoffed, feeling myself getting riled up.

"Natasha, right?"

"How did you know?"

"It's Natasha. She's notorious for dating and breaking. Rumours spread about her and-" She started but then shook her head. "I shouldn't fuel the fire. You actually look like you're about to commit arson."

"You can't just start and stop like that." I grumbled, taking a bite of my pasta. "I'll keep my cool." I reassured.

"Okay... Apparently, they go to dinner often. And once, a soldier saw her leave his apartment at like 6 am in one of his shirts! But obviously, it's a rumour. You can only confirm from the source. Some people think they're dating." She shrugged.

"It doesn't matter if its true or false. The fact that people believe the rumour is enough." I frowned. Ghost must have heard these rumours, and with that, he still continues? Unless, of course, they aren't rumours.

"But are you two together?" She asked and I fell silent. "It's still a something?"

"He said he'll take me out to clarify. I don't know when." I sighed. "But I guess that just means until then, we are just something. Barely, anyway."

"If that's the case..." She started, a cheeky smile appearing on her face. "Double date with me! There's this hot guy in Logistics but he has a twin brother. Non-identical, but still hot." She assured.

"Hm, I don't know Luce.." I mumbled.

"Come on Y/n, you said it yourself. You're barely something. And it'll be fun! It's free dinner! Nothing has to come from it, I'll owe you big time." She pleaded.

I thought for a moment. It couldn't hurt, dressing up and taking my mind off what's been happening lately. Maybe it'll do me well having a change of scenery.

"OK, I'm convinced." I sighed, giving in.

Lucy and I finished our lunch, catching up once more before I took my leave. She would come visit later in evening to get ready together.

I was on my way to my room when I saw Ghost, approaching me in the opposite direction, looking as cold as ever. I was about to walk past him but he stopped right in front of me.

"Visit me tonight." He said, seemingly emotionless.

"I can't. I have commitments." I mumbled, side stepping so I could walk past him.

"Visit me instead, woman." He spoke in a low tone, turning back to catch me walking away, but not lifting a finger.

I froze dead in my tracks and turned around to face him. "Did you fuck her, Lieutenant?" I asked callously, refusing to break eye contact.

Clenching his teeth, he looked away.

"Yeah.." I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "Like I said, I have plans." I affirmed, turning my back to him and walking to my room.

Infatuation (18+) | Ghost X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now