11 - Angry Roulette

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TW - gore, angst/fluff

I wondered over to the weapons table, Ghost's gaze not leaving me for even a second. It was like he anticipated Henri to jump out of the chair and attack me, despite practically being nailed down to it.

I was not one for torture, heck, I've never tortured anybody, just killed. But was that any better?

I was drawn to the revolver. It was moderately sized. A simple weapon, one that dealt a great amount of damage. Picking it up, it fit perfectly into my hand. With a click, I checked the ammo before emptying it all out. Leaving only one round in the slot

I spun the cartridge and walked over to him, pulling off the safety.

"N-no... please.." He begged, squeezing his eyes shut.

Without hesitation, I shoved the barrel into his mouth. Henri choked out, gagging against the cold metal in his throat.

"How does that feel? Feel good?" I questioned, mocking him and pushing it further down his throat. He gagged and gagged, which sounded like music to my ears. In the room, it felt like it was just me and him. Now I had the power.

Slowly, I removed the gun from his mouth, it being coated in his saliva and blood. I looked down at the gun with a small smile on my face, one that disturbed Henri severely. His head dropped low, the realisation of his situation sinking in.

"Awe, don't hide your beauty now." I smirked, lifting his chin up to look at me with the barrel of the gun. "Now, I'm not the type to get my hands dirty. Not when I can help it anyway." I muttered, inspecting the now spoiled gun. "I guess for you I can make an exception." The gun was raised against his forehead abruptly.

Before Henri could even process what was happening, I pulled the trigger.



"O-oh Thanks God! Thank God!" Henri breathed out, he was hyperventilating now.

"Thank God? You should thank me. Because nobody can save you but me." I hissed, letting go of the IV drip I was holding for support. Then I stumbled back, my head pounding suddenly. "F-fuck.."

"Y/n!" Ghost stepped forward, reaching his hands out to steady me but stopped himself.

I quickly grab onto the stand and steady myself. "I'm fine! I'm fine.." I sighed heavily and turned around to face him. "I can take of this."

"You are not cleared. You should not be here." He spoke sternly, raising his hand slowly to grab my gun.

"O-oh... I see it now.." Henri chuckled, a grin appearing on his face.

"See what?" I questioned, looking back in his direction.

"Why h-he seemed so jealous when I talked about choking you with that-" He started but I pointed the gun at him and pulled the trigger.



I forgot. There was a bullet in the chamber.

The bullet landed right between his eyes, blood staining the steel wall behind him. Yeah, there was no coming back from that.

"That's a sharpshooter alright. Dismissed." Price spoke over the intercom with a light chuckle.

Ghost rolled his eyes under his visor. "Give me the gun."

"What? It's empty." I smiled, pointing it at him playfully. But that didn't end well. Within a second, he disarmed me, placing the gun back on the table.

"Now is not the time for games. We're leaving." He said stoically. "Follow me. That's an order."

"Yes... Sir." I mumbled, following him out of the interrogation room. He was a bloody mess. It was a sight to see for sure, and definitely received stares from those passing by in the corridors.

Once again, I was led right outside of the Infirmary. "You belong in here." He muttered, opening the door for me.

I clenched my teeth and pulled the needle feeding into the IV drip out of my arm. "I don't need this." I sighed, gesturing to the Infirmary. "I need you to tell me what you saw and what you heard." I huffed, stepping forward.

He moved back and looked away with a grunt. "N-nothing."

I stepped forward once more, now his back was against the wall. "Is this the truth, Lieutenant?" I questioned, cooking my head to the side as I leaned closer up to his face.

He was lucky that the mask hid his tinted cheeks.

"I uh- turned off the comms. Nobody heard but me." He said, clearing his throat. "And I saw- ahem- nothing."

"Is that so? Because I clearly remember you looking at my racks." I said with a small smirk plastered across my face. Now his body temperature was rising as he kissed his teeth.

"I don't owe you an answer, agent." He grunted before pushing me away lightly and walking off, at a quicker pace than usual. "Mission update in the evening! Don't be late!"

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