25 - Lagging Behind

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I had to consciously make the effort to not gasp. I didn't know what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised.

"Going to keep staring?" He questioned.

"I pegged you as a baby face." I informed, holding the broken piece up to his mouth.

His beard rugged and had some length, the colour reflecting the brown tint but blonde base, similar to his hair. His lips were sharp and defined, but chapped from dehydration.

"You were wrong." He retorted, taking the whole piece into his mouth and began chewing.

I was in awe. He could probably tell. He picked up on my staring but I continued regardless, analysing every line and texture.

"Take a closer look." He said with a small smirk. One that was now fully visible to me, it was that much more cheeky and conniving. His left hand raised up and grabbed my chin lightly, pulling me closer so I was only inches away from his lips.

My heart began to race. He really knew how to shut me up. Quick.

"You're awake. That's news to me." The doctor spoke, closing the door behind him.


I quickly jumped back, still a nervous wreck. Ghost continued to smirk to himself. "I'm okay, Doc."

"I'll be the one to judge that. Let's run your tests." The doctor replied, flicking through his chart.

"I'll go finish off my breakfast else-" I started, going to grab my tray.

"Stay. Eat here." Ghost interrupted, making me freeze in place.

I looked back at the doctor for confirmation but he only shrugged. "You can, I guess look away when need be. You know, for him to change and such."

"She can look." Ghost smirked, a devilish look in his eyes.

I bit the inside of my lip and shook my head slightly, frustrated at his antics. He really just came back to life, wheres this sudden confidence coming from? I grabbed my tray and sat back down in my chair.

"I'll need to inspect your bullet wounds." The doctor instructed, glancing at me. I cleared my throat and turned to my side slightly. Even though Ghost was okay with me looking, I felt invasive. I only just saw his face today, and now his body? I think I'd pass out again.

Ghost noticed that my head turned away and shook his head with a small smile. I think he expected that I wasn't going to look.

I heard the bed creek and the movement of clothing. It was safe to assume that he was no longer in his gown.

"How do it feel?" I heard the sound of the bandage being teared off.

"Sore. But nothing I can't handle."

"One bullet split up in your pectoral muscle and the other missed your heart by a couple inches. It should feel more than sore." The doctor sighed. "Slight discharge but the bleeding has subsided. It's looking good."

I continued to eat my food as the doctor inspected the rest of his injuries. This spanned for about an hour until my watch alarm went off.

Both looked at me. I turned my head to meet their eyes, my own catching a glance at Ghost's back. It was muscular and scarred, the way he sat revealed more of the definition. I could feel my cheeks heat up.

"I have checkup." I muttered, quickly standing up and averting my eyes.

"You'll come back? You owe it to me." Ghost said.

"Yeah.. I guess I do." I mumbled with a small nod. He definitely picked up on the fact that I was the reason he was so hurt. I did owe it to him. There was no doubt in that. It's the reason I'd been sitting there for the past few days.

~ In the general infirmary ~

"You need to sleep in a bed. Even if it's just one night. You're slowing down the time it's taking for your shoulder to heal." The nurse sighed, changing my bandages. "Are you're not keeping your leg rested. Your ankle is broken. You can't use things that are broken."

"I'm aware." I mumbled, hissing as she cleaned the wound.

"I don't think you are, Y/n. The Lieutenant has a team of doctors and nurses on call if something were to happen. He does not need a chaperone all the time, let alone one that is in a fragile state herself. You need to look after yourself."

"I will, I'm trying my best." I frowned.

"Try harder. If you're not looking after yourself, everyone else will in your stead." The nurse replied, standing up. "I'll get your med."

I was left in that bed for three hours. The nurse definitely did it purposely. She knew I'd return to the private infirmary to sit on that uncomfortable chair for the rest of the day.

"Ahem. Can I come in?"

I looked up at the door and saw the soldier who had insulted me at breakfast. "Uh- yeah. Come on in." I mumbled, sitting up.

"I uh- I'm really sorry for the comments I made to you in the Cafeteria.. it was uncalled for and highly insensitive of me to say." He exclaimed, standing stiffly.

"It was. But I accept your apology." I muttered, crossing my arms.

"I'm glad! I'll leave you to it then. Get well soon." He returned a small smile before taking his leave.

That was strange. I wonder how his heart suddenly turned gold.

Another hour had passed and another visitor had arrived. Not the nurse however.

"I'm here ~ and I brought lunch!" Lucy grinned, pulling up a chair near my bed.

"Luce, I'm beyond bored out of my mind. Where is that nurse?" I questioned.

"The nurse? She's gone out for lunch." She answered, furrowing her eyebrows. "Anyway, I brought us food. I'd say noodles are the best recovery food." She began to unload her bag, offering me chicken chow mein.

My favourite.

"You know me too well." I smiled, opening the container and tasting some of it. I loved it. I was also starving.

"Oh! By the way, you'd never believe who I received on Comms today." She said exagerratively, her mouth curling into a smirk.


"Ghost! He's very much awake and accounted for."

"What did he want?" I asked.

"He asked if I could pin point who spoke to you in the Cafeteria this morning. So I searched through the footage, ID'ed the guy and passed on the info. The scuffle you had this morning with him- what a dick!" She sighed heavily, munching on her noodles.

"Right..." I mumbled, the earlier interaction now making sense in my head.

I had spent the next couple hours talking to Lucy. We caught up on Base gossip, the update on my injuries and how each of us was doing. Being in comms, Lucy heard everything about anything, but would only share with me. It was interesting to know what was going on while I'm out of commission.

It was reaching close to evening and Lucy was taking her leave to start her shift. She passed the nurse on the way out who came in with my med. "So hard to find sterilised needles in this place!" She smiled, handing me the bag. "You know the drill, take the pill and inject a full dose before you sleep."

I nodded and took the bag, getting out of bed.

"Leaving so soon?" She teased.

"You've kept me hostage long enough. I'll be back in a few days." I retorted, leaving the room. Price did try to take away my clearance so I wasn't able to enter the private infirmary. But evidentally, that didn't work. Now, the doors are even held open for me.

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