57 - In Action

429 14 1

TW - soft play

After a (potentially) successful hearing, I had grabbed lunch in the cafeteria. After such a performance, it would be suspicious to eat in Ghost's office so I would just have to torelate the suggestive smirks and stares.

"What the fuck have I been hearing?!" Lucy panicked, dropping her tray next to me. "You're fucking Ghost's right hand man?" She questioned, almost making me choke on my food.

"W-what the fuck Luce? Where did you hear that? And who's his right hand? Johnny?" I asked, looking at her with wide eyes.

"No! Everyone knows Johnny has the hots for Hope, well, besides Hope. Its that one tall, hunk of a man. He wears that sexy-" She started but then a shadow was a cascaded onto us.

"Continue." Konig spoke lowly, sitting opposite us.

"That man." She answered slowly, leaning in close to me. "Is he always this menacingly fine?" She whispered and I shook my head.

"Him and I? The rumours are that we're fucking?" I had to laugh. It was so ridiculous, and baseless. "I'm assuming Ghost explained the situation." I smirked.

"He did. But I did not agree to being scrutinised like this. You both were somewhat of a... power couple, on base." He sighed heavily.

"Oh it's not so bad. Could be worse. You could be fucking Ghost instead." I teased, but he remained stiff and my smile dropped. "You'd rather fuck Ghost?"

"I did not say that. I'd just not fuck you. You're far from what I enjoy. Too.. thin." He shrugged. "These whispers, they're baseless. Soldiers need discipline."

Now that gave me an idea.

"Well you know what they say, if you can't beat them, join them." I grinned.

Wondering eyes were fixed on us now. And I was revelling in it. Time to have some fun. Time to piss off a Lieutenant.

I stood up and leaned over the table, closing in on Konig.

"W-what are you doing?!" He questioned. I didn't need to even an inch of his skin to know he was going red.

"Providing some truth." I smirked, reaching up to tug on the mask that covered his face, pulling him closer to me. "I do enjoy when a man of your calibre hesitates over me." I teased, running my tongue over my teeth with a grin.

It was like he had frozen in time, unable to react. We sat there for a moment until I let go. "I think I created enough base. That should make our story more believable." I smiled, quickly finishing up my food.

"Wait! What story?" Lucy asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Explain, sexy mask. I've got things to do." I muttered, finishing my drink and leaving a flustered Konig and puzzled Lucy behind.

I made my way to Ghost's office very carefully, ensuring to take the longest route around and inspecting every corridor before entering. As much as I shouldn't have gone, I wanted to.

Unfortunately, I forgot to knock and just opened the door. "I need-" I started but then stopped in my tracks.

Now this was a sight to see.

The one and only Natasha Sokolov had impeded the couch like the virus she was.

"Forgotten how to knock, agent?" She smirked, looking back at me, swirling the whiskey in her glass.

Oh she really made my blood boil. But I really wasn't expecting her to integrate so quickly. It's only been a handful of hours since the hearing.

"Lieutenant. Can we talk? Alone." I asked stiffly, hovering in the doorway.

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