32 - Target Confirmed

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Once we got out of the shower, Ghost helped me get dressed into something I was comfortable enough in to walk to my room and actually get dressed. It was tee that went down to my mid thighs.

"Arent you getting late?" I mumbled as he brushed my hair.

"I am." He answered stoically, pulling my hair into a ponytail. He was suspiciously good at that. "I'll be in my office, find me when you have time."

"Won't you be busy?"

"Never busy enough for you." He muttered, tapping me on the shoulder to tell me he was done. "The Captain has requested your presence on the rooftop. I suspect you'll be there for a while."

"The rooftop? He's going to kill me." I sighed, standing up. "I didn't say anything nice last night. He'll want an apology."

"Where's mine?"

"You deserved what you got. He didn't." I teased to which he rolled his eyes, leaving a light kiss on my lips.

"I expect a visit today. Don't make me request you formally." He smirked, pulling up his mask before heading for the door.

Lucy is going to have a field day when I tell her about this.

I head back into my room which thankfully wasn't too long of a walk. It was practically midday as well so there were few soldiers roaming the corridors. Although the ones that did see me did a double take, they knew what 'the morning after' attire looked like.

Rushing back into my room, I got changed into my uniform now that I was technically back on the clock. Atleast for this mission anyway. Then I made my way up to the roof. Thankfully, there was an elevator. Otherwise I would have been very stuck.

I opened the door leading to the outside and saw Price overlooking the compound.

"Price, I-" I started but then he held his hand up, silencing me.

"That fire of yours will get you into trouble one day." He smiled, shaking his head.

"It was in the moment. I was angry- I'm sorry. I know you're doing what you can." I sighed, walking up to him.

"I'm glad you recognise that. But that was yesterday, let's focus on today." He affirmed, leaning down and opening up a case, a sniper on the inside.

"I just need to confirm that you can shoot, and handle the recoil." He instructed, sliding the case over to me.

I nodded and got down to the ground, wincing slightly at the angle of my ankle. But I needed to get used to it. Taking out the parts, I began to put the gun together. "What's the catch?" I asked, glancing up at him.

"What catch?"

"Ghost didn't give the green light simply because he changed his mind. He doesn't just change his mind." I sighed.

"The Lieutenant requested that a soldier of his selection would personally oversee you and extract if necessary." He explained, crossing his arms.

"So I'm being baby sat." I grumbled, propping the gun on the ledge.

"See it as support. And you're familiar with the soldier. He should be here.. now." Price spoke as Konig burst through the door.

"Reporting for duty, sir. Ma'am." He said stoically with a salute before approaching.

I look back and tilt my head. "Oh you're from the-" I started but then realised. He was alongside Johnny and Ghost in the hotel room where I was tied to the bed. I close my eyes for a moment and shake my head. Who knows how much of me he saw? "Nice to meet you." I muttered.

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