20 - Late Operations

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After a couple hours, my eyes stuttered open to see...

A black ceiling?

Oh. Right. I was in Ghost's bland looking office. My eyes lazily looked down to see a black fuzzy blanket covering me and then I also noticed a pillow behind me to support my lower back.

Sleeping on the chair was slightly uncomfortable but these added touches made it more endurable. Although, there was a severe aching in my shoulder from sleeping in the wrong way.

My eyes drifted to Ghost's desk and there he was, still typing away. He looked tired, drowsy, but also very focused on whatever he was doing. I let out a yaw, alerting him that I was awake.

"It's 4am.. why are you awake?" I questioned, looking up at his clock.

"Touché." He mumbled.

I sighed heavily and got out of the chair, stretching in the process which caught his eye. "Want coffee?" I asked, walking over to his machine. But then a look of disgust arose on my face. "You only drink black?" I groaned.


"Yuck." I rolled my eyes and turned on his machine. I guess I will not be having a coffee. But I'll make him a cup.

Taking it over to his desk, I placed it on his coaster, noticing his bottle of glass and whiskey. It looked like a very fancy brand, a name I couldn't even pronounce.

Ghost caught my curiosity and leaned down, grabbing another glass from his drawer. "Here, try some." He offered, pouring me a small amount.

I nodded and lifted the glass to my lips, taking a sip. But the moment I swallowed, it felt like someone had shoved a hot iron down my throat.

"What the fuck." I coughed, putting the glass back down. Ghost let out a small chuckle and shook his head.

Did I just make him laugh? At my ignorance?

He handed me a water bottle from the mini fridge stored under his desk and finished all my glass with ease. Clearly, he was very used to it.

I took a sip of water, the burning in my throat slowly subsiding. "Still working on something?"

"Mm, yeah. A connecting report on some intel gathered." He explained with a heavy sigh. His workload really seemed never ending.

I lean closer and take a cheeky look at his computer. Really, I shouldn't have looked, I don't have clearance. But he didn't stop me. I roll my shoulder back in an attempt to fix the pain as I scan over what he had written on that page. But it was also over 6,000 words.

Was he trying to write a book?

"Any way I can help?" I asked, looking back at him.

He thought for a moment and then nodded. "Transcribe what I say." He instructed, pushing his chair back so I could scoot over in front of the computer. I bent over a little to get ready to type but then all of a sudden I felt his hands grab my waist and pull me down onto his lap. He did not have to face me to notice how shocked I was.

I now sat comfortably on his lap with his hands casually resting on my waist.

What the fuck.

If anyone walked in right now-

"Ready?" He asked, breaking my racing thoughts.

"Uhm- yeah." I mumbled, trying to keep my composure. His legs were slightly spread so I was only sitting on one leg of his but with the size of him and me being barely half of that, it was more than enough space for me to sit.

"Sergeant MacTavish had forgone orders to rescue a civilian who had entered the fray, a bullet shot from what seemed to be a 9mm grazed his shoulder as he escorted the civilian to safety." Ghost explained.

It seemed to be a mission report but not one that I was apart of. I didn't even know they had went on a mission, the details didn't make sense to me. But they didn't need to, it was above my pay grade.

Ghost continued to talk as I transcribed, his hands slowly trailing down to my hips instead and resting there. I stiffened at his movement but continued to follow what he was saying. His touch was practically etching into my skin as he gripped it lightly, not wanting me to move.

We had gone at it for a little bit when I heard the chair creek as he threw his head back with a groan. He seemed frustrated.

"So much fucking reports." He hissed, standing me up without warning.

"Did you want me to-" I started, wondering if he wanted me to leave but this was abruptly cut off when he spread his legs further and pushed me back down so I was now sitting inbetween his legs. Once again, I felt locked in by a cage that was his body.

"We continue." He grumbled, pulling me back into him slightly. I let out a small gasp, my behind brushing against his crotch lightly. But he didn't seem to care, his head still facing up to the ceiling.

Then we went at it for a little longer.

"Further action is r-required to determine the.." Ghost started but then fell silent.

"The what?" I ask, finishing up what he had said. "Ghost?" I repeat, after heating no answer.

I shift slightly so I was able to look behind me and notice his head still up at the ceiling. Carefully, I leaned up at realised his eyes were closed.

Did he just fall asleep?

Well, it was almost 7am. He had worked all evening and night, strenuous work at that.

I save the progress made and crawled out of his lap very cautiously as to not wake him. After grabbing the blanket he had given me before, I sprawled it over him and took my leave.

I did enjoy spending my time with him but boy did I miss my bed.

Infatuation (18+) | Ghost X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora