5 - Mission Greenlighted

910 29 8

TW - angst/fluff

I entered my room, still trying to wrap my head around what had just occurred. Was he threatening me? Flirting with me?


Definitely wanting to kill me. I lied back on my bed and sighed heavily. Did he say an hour? That warrants a 45 minute nap then surely.

I succumbed to my compromise to sleep fairly easily and set an alarm.


All of a sudden I jumped out of bed and slammed the alarm clock before picking it up. "What the fuck.." I mumbled, looking at the time.

Five. Minutes. Left.

That really made me jump out of bed. Never in my life had I gotten changed so quick. My hair was braided, my skin was moisturised, and lips were unchapped. Then it dawned on me. I'm not making it in time, I was already late.

Should I just miss the briefing? No... this is my first brief. I can't miss it. Well, I can, but I shouldn't.

~ 15 minutes later~

"I'm so fucked." I grumbled, looking down at my watch. I was ten minutes late, and still standing outside the door debating whether I should go in. Peaking through the frosted window, I noticed the room was full with people, making it even more nerve-wracking to walk in. Taking a deep breath, I twisted the door handle and let myself in.

Once again, all eyes were on me. "Apologies, sir." I mumbled, wincing at the thought of being reprimanded.

"Take a seat." Was all Ghost said before continuing his explanation of the mission brief. Everyone's eyes jolted back to his, half in disbelief.

Was I just let off scot-free? Nobody could believe it.

I took my seat at the edge of the table and looked down at the papers sprawled across it. This mission seemed complex, a lot of preparation went into it. But one detail stuck out in particular.

Was that... my face?

What? Why is that printed out?

In the middle of the board was a mugshot of my face, all the pins leading to me.

"You're the key to this all." Johnny mumbled from beside me. "Ghost would never say it though."

"Y/n will approach the target, Henri Starke, and proceed to the bedroom we have set up in the hotel. Two men will be waiting in neighbouring rooms for backup, but we want him alive." He stressed, looking straight at me. "It should be simple enough to get him there."

"May I ask why?" I spoke, perching up a little. This plan seemed nothing but simple. He was hosting the damn party, how could I strip him away from all his security.

"Your body, woman." Ghost said bluntly, leaning on the table slightly with his hands on the desk. "Got a problem with that?"

"No Sir." I mumbled with a small sigh. Of course, I was to be used. I couldn't oppose orders either. But I was confused.

Was that a compliment? Did he just call me pretty? Nah.. he's objectifying me.

"W-what he means is, with your skills and talents, you'll easily be able to get him alone. We have all his security details, so there shouldn't be a hitch." Johnny said nervously, trying to defuse the tension in the air. I smiled to myself at Johnny's attempt to change the intention of Ghost's words, but it didn't work.

"Dismissed." Ghost spoke but stared at me. "Not you."

Everyone turned to me as they got up, releasing a small smug smile. I was late, how could I not expect to be in trouble? Again, I needed to be made an example of so the miminal rules put in place remain strict.

"Come here." He hithered, rolling his sleeves up ever so slightly to reveal his forearms underneath. Paired with the gloves, it was like he was teasing me with the toned muscles he had on display. I wanted to see more. Unwrap his clothes like he was a gift. This curiosity distracted me to the world's end.

I really needed to get my head checked.

I nodded and stood up from my seat, but before I could make it over, he stopped me midway and pushed me against the desk ever so slightly.

"What did I say? Use your words." He commanded lowly.

I was practically on the desk at this point, with my hands steadying my position behind me. "Y-yes Sir." I gulped.

The way he invited himself in to my personal space, there was the urge to pull him closer but also push him far away. But my hands did neither, again, I froze in place, completely at his mercy.

"This mission will commence in three days. Be ready." He said sternly, lifting his hand slowly.

I flinched and closed my eyes out of habit. Was he going to punch me again? What point would that prove?

Instead, his hand reached my ear and tucked my hair behind it, his gloved fingertips grazing across my skin. His eyes didn't leave mine as his fingers brushed against my ear which made me sigh quietly. Half in relief but also frustration. I began wanting more.

Was he toying with me? What did he want?

He pulled away from my invaded space and I looked away with a flushed face.

"If this mission fails, I will kill you." He said apathetically, his gaze as cold as ever, before leaving the room.

Well, that left me in a precarious position, didn't it?

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