66 - Getaway

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TW - soft play

"Russia? How the fuck did they get to Russia?" I questioned in anger.

"There's business taking place there. And I'll have to-"

"Don't say it, Riley." I warned.

"I'll have to go to Russia." He sighed.

We both sat there in silence for a few moments. I just got him back, and he has to go again? This time, I won't have it.

"Kitten, listen, I-" Ghost started but I placed my hand against his mouth to shut him up.

"I'm going with you." I cut him off to which he rose his eyebrow. "I'm medically cleared. This time, I'm going with you. I can retrieve Natasha, and you can retrieve Melynk. It works. Okay?" I explained, removing my hand.

But Ghost didn't speak, he only took a sip of his whiskey, gazing back at my stern expression. "Yes ma'am." He complied, knowing he couldn't change my mind. "Fuck. Hold this." He groaned, passing me his glass so he could take out a light.

I watched him light his cigarette and tilt his head back, blowing the smoke up towards the ceiling. I swirled the liquid in his glass. "Did you uh- did you like what I sent?" I asked nervously. "I-I mean, sometimes I feel like I don't uh.. I don't do enough for you in the bedroom, so I figured-" I rambled but then his eyes returned to me, his cigarette still in his mouth with a confused expression.

He took the cigarette out of his mouth and held it for a second. "You don't do enough? What makes you think that?" He questioned, taking a quick puff, his arms spread along the top of the couch now.

"Like, yeah I sent those pictures to get your attention, but it was the first time. I felt like maybe I should have sent when you were a-away.. or like more often!" I shrugged. "You're always doing things to me." I started, getting a little embarrassed now. "I just feel like I don't do enough to you unless you ask- but even then you don't ask... does that make sense?" I pondered.

Ghost narrowed his eyes at me for a moment but then let out a chuckle. "I think I can gather what you're trying to say." He smiled, reaching his hand over to run his fingers through my hair.

"Those pictures? Sexy. Send more." He smirked. "We spoke everyday when I was in Russia, kitten. Everything I would have seen in pictures, I saw through your camera, in real time. And that pretty pussy of yours got me through some hard times." He teased, his hand running down the side of my body, stopping at my waist as he flicked the ash off his cigarette. "Pictures are nice, but I have you, here, and if I wanted to see I would just say so. You'd obey because you're good like that." He praised but then tugged on my top, realising I was still clothed. "Off." He instructed.

I sighed quietly and nodded, pulling off my top to reveal my bra underneath. He looked down at my bra and waited. "Really?" I asked.

"Off. Now." He ordered, blowing out smoke. I unclasped my bra and took it off, a smirk emerging on his face. Immediately, his hand went to grope my breast. I winced and looked away, his cold hand already being enough to bring small amounts of pleasure.

"You do more than enough, kitten. For me, you come first. For you, you should come first too." He answered simply, pinching my nipple.

I let out a small moan. "Fuck.." I groaned, tilting my head back, just knowing he was getting a kick out of my reaction.

"Where's this coming from?" He asked, his hand now just resting on my chest.

I looked back at him with a small frown. "It was just something... something Natasha said. When you were at dinner." I mumbled.

"What did she say?" He questioned, sitting up now with a serious face.

"She said something like she knew exactly how to please you, even without you asking. B-But I don't think I know that yet." I shrugged.

But then Ghost let out a heavy sigh. "You may not know, but your body does." He spoke sternly. "Pleasing you pleases me. I don't need you to suck me off or give me a hand job, because just the sight of you gets me going." He explained, putting out the cigarette. "Natasha was just a.. fling. She does not compare to you. Understand?" He reassured, cupping my face and bringing me close.

I nodded slowly. "So you don't like when I suck you off or give you a hand job?" I clarified to which he smiled.

"I like when I get to eat you out, or watch how you squirm around my fingers, or how you make those sweet noises when I fuck your pussy." He listed. "Blowjob, handjob, I like that, but a little less." He clarified, leaving a kiss on my forehead. "You're doing everything right. Don't question yourself. And you're so good to me, taking whatever I do to you. I know it can be difficult sometimes."

"Sometimes?" I repeated to which his confused expression returned.

"Most of the time?" He asked.

"No- no. I'm kidding. It's sometimes. But you help me through it." I smiled, placing a hand on his chest. "And I enjoy it." I added.

"Good. I do too." He nodded, kissing me gently. It was tender and sweet, there was no force and no passion, just pure connection which I loved. It was the duality of him. He was caring and understanding but also rough and abrasive when called for. It was exactly what I needed.

"One thing though." I noted, pulling away from the kiss. "I want you to send, too." I proposed.

Ghost thought for a moment, taking his glass back and downing his drink. "Anything for you, kitten." He muttered.

I knew it was much more difficult for him, since he prefers the anonymity. With that, it demonstrated his trust in me. And I got some sexy pictures out of it.

"What did you actually do today? You were gone for a while." I asked curiously, leaning back to grab his whiskey and filling his cup once more.

"I scoped out an area, followed tracks and found remnants of a facility they were holed out in." He explained.

I knew he was withholding information.

"Why were you so bloody?" I pressed further. His answer didn't explain that.

"I... ran into trouble. All that matters is I acquired the relevant information." He reassured with a smile, patting my head.

He was holding out on me. I didn't know why, but I figured it was better off if I didn't know. It then only hit me that I had never actually seen Ghost in action. And something told me he was a lot more brutal than he let on, which should be damn near impossible.

Just then, Angelina has walked out of her room, stretching out. "Mm.. tits out? I was hoping they were pierced." She yawned, glancing over at us as she walked over to the kitchen. "Will I need earbuds tonight?" She called out.

"Pierced?" Ghost questioned, looking back at her then down at my breasts.

"You know they're not pierced." I whisper yelled to him, reaching over to grab my t-shirt. "You won't." I answered, covering myself.

"She won't?" Ghost asked in surprise to which I furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"Why will she? Are you hard?" I retorted, crossing my arms.

"Not hard enough." He answered with a smirk.

I sighed heavily. He thought he was so clever. "You'll need earbuds." I corrected myself in embarrassment.

"For the record. I was going to use them anyway. сумасшедшие (crazies)." She rolled her eyes, going back to the bedroom and closing her door.

"Off." Ghost instructed with a grin, sipping his drink.

I rolled my eyes but complied nevertheless, pulling off my t-shirt once more. "Happy?" I said sarcastically.

"Not yet. You wanted to please me, right? Lie down." He ordered, patting my leg.

"Here? We're doing it here?" I questioned.

"I'll have you whenever, wherever." He taunted. "So, lie down."

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