17 - White Lies & Black Hearts

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"You drive, I'll monitor Ronnie's condition." I instructed as Ghost slumped Ronnie into the back seat. He looked like he was about to oppose but then nodded and got into the front seat. I crawled into the back, lying Ronnie's head on my lap.

He had passed out. My fingers remained on his pulse. The blood was already sinking into the car seats, the car lender was not going to be happy.

Ghost set off after I had given the green light. The journey was silent, the only thing being heard was the rev of the engine and Ronnie's breathing. That was until I realised we missed the junction leading back to base.

"Where are we going?" I questioned, sitting up a little.

"To the hospital." Ghost replied bluntly.

"No. We're not. We need to get back to base." I ordered, raising my voice slightly.

"He needs a hospital, woman." He retorted, ignoring my anger as he focused on the road. "Don't question my decision."

"Your decision? It was my decision to help him in the first place! We're not just dumping him in a hospital!" I yelled. But Ghost didn't respond. Well, he responded with silence, which only angered me further.

"If you don't redirect to base now, I'll... tell everyone about the spicy stuff you did today at the club." I threatened.

Ghost rolled his eyes. "Resulting to lies now? They won't believe you." He scoffed.

"Oh? They won't? Even after what you did at the last strip club you went to?" I questioned, a small smirk appearing on my lips.

Ghost quickly shot his head back. "How do you-" He started but turned his head back to focus on the road. "Price..." He grumbled.

Whatever happened at that strip club must have been promiscuous if it made Ghost break character. Did I know what happened? Hell no. Did Price tell me that Ghost had experience with a strip club? Hell yes. And I'm glad that was all the detail I needed to call my bluff.

His grip on the wheel tightened as he switched lanes, the one that led back to base. Thankfully, he faltered due to my threat. It was clear he wanted to maintain his facade of mystery on base.

Ronnie remained unconscious on the lead up to base. But I managed to call the infirmary as we approached, meaning a whole team was on standby for when we arrived.

It wasn't long before we did.

"To the surgery room! We need a transfusion and monitor set up! Get the anaesthetic!" Orders were being thrown around as Ronnie was whisked away on a stretcher. But then he suddenly woke up, gripping onto my hand tightly.

"P-please don't leave!" He begged, refusing to let go.

"You're with the best doctor. Do your best, I'll see you when you're out." I reassured, having to practically pry his hand off mine. Ghost only looked on with a huff, crossing his arms.

"We need to report this." He grumbled, rubbing his forehead with the stress of the paperwork already looming over him.

I nodded and followed after him as we walked into Price's office.

"Sir, respectfully, why did you tell Y/n about the strip club?" Ghost questioned, the moment he walked into the office. Price was in his pyjamas, albeit it was like 4am.

"Crime really doesn't sleep, and neither do we apparently." Price muttered with a big yawn. "What are you on about, Lieutenant? I didn't say anything?"

Ghost slowly turned to me, staring daggers at me. He was mad. But he couldn't show his lack of composure.

"So the kid, why did you bring him in?" Price asked, sitting down at his desk, ready to take notes.

"He intervened as we were conducting recon." I lied, but Price didn't need to know.

"At a strip club?"

Shit. He's a kid.

"We were exiting the strip club when the boy ran past with gang members in pursuit. I ordered Y/n to disengage but she ignored orders and forced my hand." Ghost explained.

Way to sugar-coat it.

"Don't act like you didn't want to save him. You came back." I scoffed, crossing my arms.

"I didn't come back for him." He mumbled with a small frown.

Then there was a moment of silence.

I didn't need his help. I could have saved Ronnie on my own-

Ugh. He had to come back for me. He was responsible for me, being the higher rank. I should think nothing of it.

"So, a new recruit then?" Price asked, breaking the awkward silence.

I at him and furrowed my eyebrows. "What... how did you know?" I questioned.

"Because I had that same look in my eye when I saved you." Price smiled.

It's true. The only reason I wanted to come back to base so eagerly was to recruit Ronnie. He had passion, determination, a worry only for others and not himself. He would do anything, even if it risked his life. We needed people like that.

Ghost glared at me once more before moving to the door. "Captain." He grumbled, taking his leave.

Well, that was abrupt.

"I wonder who pissed in his cereal." Price chuckled, but it quickly stopped when he noticed the frown on my face. "Go." He mumbled with a sigh.

I nodded with a smile and left the office quickly in an attempt to catch up to Ghost. But just like a ghost, he disappeared.

"Hey! Have you seen LT?" I asked the guard standing duty. "Yeah, he walked off outside the gates."

Great, the only place that wasn't lit with lampposts and had nobody else around. What a perfect way to get murdered without anyone noticing. I thanked the guard before walking outside the gates.

It was pitch black, I couldn't see anything, let alone a beast of a man. That was until I heard a flick of a flame. I followed the brief sound and noticed orange.

A lit cigarette exposed the outline of the man's face. Ghost. His mask was slightly lifted up but it was enough for my imagination to run wild.

"What was that?" I questioned, walking up to him.

Ghost looked up at me and leaned against the wall, seemingly unfazed that I was there. "Get some rest, woman." He mumbled, exhaling the smoke from his mouth.

"Did you really think ratting me out was going to get you somewhere? I did nothing wrong. If you're mad because I didn't get punished then-" I started, raising my voice a little but was interrupted by a deep sigh.

"Don't disobey me again." He responded nonchalantly.

He really wasn't taking me seriously. What did I have to do to prove I deserve his respect.

"Or what?" I challenged, stepping closer to him.

Ghost turned his eyes to me and dropped his cigarette, putting it out with the bottom of his shoe.

Now I was surrounded by darkness.

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