45 - Wishful Thinking

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"You're letting me do it?" I asked, a little in shock to which he nodded. "And you won't interrupt?" Again, he nodded. I thought for a moment. "Promise?"

"You have my word." He sighed, leaning his head back, wondering why I was taking so long.

A mischievous smirk slid across my face. Finally, I got to be in control. Even if it was minor, I'd make use out of it.

Leaning over, I grabbed his belt and brought his hands together, tying them up.

"Kitten-" He looked startled, looking back down at me in a small panic. "Untie me." He growled as I looped the belt.

I shook my head, now lifting his strong arms up and behind the couch. "You gave me your word. You don't get to interrupt." I warned, dragging a finger along his jawline.

"You'll do well to remember how long I'll tolerate this." He grumbled, already wanting to take over.

"I'll deal with the consequences. For now, you're listening to me." I smirked, leaning close. "We're both going to need new uniforms."

I began to leave small kisses from his temple all the way down to his neck but my lips settled there for a moment, remembering how he knawed at my neck the last time he was here.

Now I really had the opportunity for payback.

First I began to suck lightly and let go, leaving red marks all over his neck until I found the reaction I wanted, locating his sweet spot.

Ghost was already hot and heavy. I'm glad I asked for his word.

I sucked down on his sensitive spot. Hard. Causing him to grunt as he stiffened up underneath me. I didn't let go for a good few moments but when I did I licked from that hickey to his cheek.

He tilted his head away, his cheeks now red with heat. "Fuck sake.." He growled, fighting the urge to break the belt around his wrists.

"Calm down love." I teased, knowing it would only rile him up more.

He understood the situation. He knew not to order me around because it would only make me take longer in unwrapping my gift. He was being smart in keeping his mouth shut.

My hands wondered down from his shoulders to his shirt, slowly unbuttoning it. I heard him let out a steady sigh once he realised I was actually starting to undress him.

Once his shirt was fully unbuttoned, I reached into his pocket and pulled out his knife. The one thing I was an expert in was handling knives.

Reaching upwards, I began to rip through his sleeves, allowing his shirt to fall off him instead of pulling it off. But as I reached over my breasts hung close to his face to which he leaned his head back further.

"No touching." I warned, dragging the knife down his bulging biceps.

Ghost let out a loud groan of frustration. "You're digging a deep hole, woman." He hissed. But I didn't care. This was fun for me.

I sat back down on his lap and he lifted his head to look at me. He was very tense. But I had barely started.

Moving closer to him, my lips barely touched his as I started to rip down his compression shirt. But then he moved forward, closing distance between us and kissing me on the lips.

I quickly pulled away, feeling warm liquid make contact with my finger. Looking down, I had accidentally slit his chest with the knife.

"What the fuck Ghost?" I grumbled, dropping the knife and applying pressure to the cut with my finger.

He winced at my touch but then smirked, watching the minor panic on my face. "Was worth it."

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "You're unbelievable." I mumbled, licking his blood off my finger. Luckily it wasn't nothing too deep, just a nick.

"I'm continuing now. But no silly games." I spoke sternly, picking up the knife once more and cutting off the fabric on the shoulders so I could easily pull it off.

"Yes, Ma'am." He chuckled, starting to enjoy how serious I was about this all. Even if he had given me control, we both knew who was actually still in charge here. This was all just another teasing game for him.

"You should call me that more often." I smirked, leaning back in and hitting my lips on his. But this kiss was much more passionate and firey. Even more heated than the one we shared in the corridor.

In our position, he couldn't even manoeuvre to control the kiss, he just had to take it as I shoved my tongue into his mouth. The tip of my tongue tickled the inside of his cheeks as our saliva mixed. It wasn't enough though, I needed more.

My arms wrapped around his neck as my breasts were now pushed up against his chest, eliminating any space between us. My hips began to rock back and forth slowly on top of him and I could feel him tense up underneath me.

He couldn't even groan or complain since I silenced him with my tongue. I began to pick up the pace, grinding my bare crotch against the fabric of his. Then I felt prodding at my entrance. He was so hard.

As I pulled away from the kiss, I bit on his bottom lip hard, drawing just a little bit of blood. We both panted in silence for a moment as I continued to rub myself against him, ever so slowly.

But then his low voice broke the silence. "Get these fucking clothes off me." He growled, his patience waning by the second.

My hips stopped. "Oh my love... I missed you so much. Let me have my fun." I smiled, running my tongue across his bottom lip before pulling away once more to see his death glare on me.

I've caused chaos. But its definitely worth it.

The tip of my tongue ran down the middle of his chest as he breathed harshly, struggling to contain himself. Eventually I got to my knees, my head just hovering above his crotch. Using my mouth, I pulled down the zipper and released the button. He was surprised at my talent but even more in need to get me in bed.

"Here I go.." I mumbled, pulling down his pants and socks, revealing the outline of his hard length in his boxers.

"Ready and waiting?" I teased, my hand going to kneed his length.

"Take it off, kitten." He ordered, throwing his head back in frustration and pleasure.

"Will you beg for it?" I asked, looking up at him. But then his eyes returned to me, hungry with lust, a beast hiding behind it. He didn't even need to speak up for me to know the answer. "Yeah.. then it'll really be a long day for me." I mumbled, pulling his boxers down to show off the gift that had been waiting 4 months for me.

The moment I got them off him I heard a crack.


He had snapped the belt, throwing it across the room. Ghost stood up from the couch, towering over me for a moment before crouching down.

"Playtime's over, kitten." He snarled, lifting my chin up with his finger.

Oh I'm fucked.

Infatuation (18+) | Ghost X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now