34 - Well Dressed

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A couple hours had passed in which I spent mostly reading. I had email waiting but most didn't warrant immediate action.

One was interesting. It was from Ronnie. He was healing up well and was discharged whilst I was having surgery on my ankle.

But he didn't know. And shouldn't know. Price said it would negatively influence his decision to join us, since he most likely won't be doing field operation anyway. There was no reason to scare him.

Hence, I replied with a generic response. If I was following the rules, I shouldn't have replied at all. But when someone reaches out directly, its hard to ignore.

Lucy joined later and helped me get ready. I did most everything that I needed to, but the moment I burned my neck with the curling iron, she immediately took over, scolding me about safety. She even painted my toe nails since I couldn't reach down over my cast.

Eventually we were both dressed.

I sported a dark red bustier dress that had a slit running up the thigh but stopped halfway passed the knees, pairing it with one black block heel. My cast really pissed me off at that point, ruining the outfit like that.

Lucy wore a rich blue v-neck dress that had flowing sleeves, showing off the silver specks in the fabric, she always paired it with black heels, wanting to show some cohesiveness between our looks.

But she looked like a princess, the blue complimenting her blonde hair and watercoloured eyes.

Arms entwinced, we both left my room and walked outside. We agreed to meet the twins at the restaurant, the destination being a secret to me. I was just told to look mildly fancy and I think I succeeded.

"You nervous?" Lucy asked with a smile.

"That's one way to put it." I mumbled. I rarely ever went to restaurants. I used to frequent them with my birth parents, and then they died. There was a lot of trauma attached to it, something that took a long time to overcome.

Lucy pulled over into the drop off point where the waiters opened the door, helping both of us out. "A valet? So much for mildly fancy." I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"Hey, I just relayed the information they told me! I'm just as in the dark." She replied, handing the keys over as we both marveled at the restaurant.

It was busy.

People were lined up all the way to the entrance. It was a smaller restaurant but one that definitely didn't struggle with business.

"Come. They're waiting for us inside." She spoke, helping me walk up the ramp into the restaurant.

Everything was dimmed down perfectly and beautifully candle lit. Instrumental music played in the background, reflecting the rustic nature of the restaurant. It was quite retro, very nostalgic and unique. I was beginning to understand why the queue was so long.

"Hi! Uhm table for Matthews? They should be waiting for us." Lucy said nervously to the waiter. He nodded and led us over to a corner of the restaurant.

It was secluded, away from peering eyes. Something that was needed for the line of work we were all in.

As we approached the table, both men stood up immediately to greet us.

Non-identical? They practically looked the same save for one wearing glasses and the other having a sharper nose.

"The cutie with the specs is mine. The brooding one is all yours." Lucy smirked, practically jumping over and into her date's arms. "Max! How do I look?" She asked with a wink.

My 'date' looked stunned, his mouth slightly hanging open at the sight of me which made me blush. It shouldn't have. This is not a date, this is fun. "Hey, I'm Y/n." I smiled, reaching my hand out for him to shake.

"Matteo, please have a seat." He returned the smile with a soft one of his own, taking my hand and leaving a light kiss on it before moving to the side so I could sit on the sofa booth instead of the chair.

He was a gentleman, who knew the sofas were reserved for women. That scored points.

Lucy and Max were chatting away, already in their own worlds. It didn't even seem like it was a double date, moreso extra company.

"So Matteo.. what division do you work in?" I asked, not exactly sure how to strike a conversation with a man I've just met. It's not easy. The only thing I knew is that we worked in the same place.

"Strategy. We are responsible for 'hypotheticals' of the mission carried out by... well you." He chuckled a little.

"Me? So I suppose you know I work in the field?"

"You're a household name, Y/n. Being here for such a short time and accomplishing so much, with the battle scars to prove it. How could I not know?" He teased, pouring me a glass of water.

"Keep talking like that and I'll get a big head." I teased in return.

This was nice.

For the first time today my mind was completely occupied. I wasn't annoyed or angry anymore, just relaxed, talking to a new person who was like a breath of fresh air.

"Enough about work though! We've just narrowly escaped. What do you like to do in your free time?"

"That's if I get free time." I laughed. "I suppose I like to read." I answered simply.

"Are we talking contemporary, or more fine literature, maybe nonfiction.." He proposed, impressing me with his knowledge of genres.

"Okay you, I do enjoy my fine literature. I dabble in adventure, maybe some mystery. I'm reading The Alchemist right now, or trying to anyway." I explained.

"Good pick. Very heavy on symbolism but it's a great story that's being told." He noted. Which again, shocked me. To speak about something I enjoy, to someone who understands and actively listens. It's hard to come by.

We spent the next half an hour talking and talking. One topic jumped to the other. Then we began to order food.

"The lasagna is really calling my name here." I spoke, scanning over the menu. "Hm, but the risotto is also looking good."

"You big on Italian food?" He asked.

"Love it. But my favourite is Indian." I smiled. "What are you thinking?"

"The risotto. You get the lasagna." He said, not even looking at the menu.

Surely he ordered that with me in mind, right? Because if he did, he's making it so hard for me not to swoon. What a green flag.

"I'll uhm. I'll be right back. Max, talk to Y/n." Lucy spoke, looking down at her phone as she excused herself.

"So you're both Non-identical?" I asked.

"Technically anyway." Max shrugged.

"Without his glasses, we're very similar looking, but it's quite easy to tell us apart once you know what to look for." Matteo added.

"But logistics and strategy? Very unrelated." I pondered.

"Yeah... I failed the physical." Max answered sheepishly. "I was never good at sports. It seems Matteo compensates for the both of us."

We spoke a little bit more before Lucy returned a couple minutes later. She looked stiff.

"Enjoying yourself?" She whispered, leaning over to me.

"More than you know."

"I'm glad.. but I'm sorry. I didn't have a choice." She muttered, showing a quick smile to the men.

"What do you mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows looking around her.

"You'll see.." She sighed.

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