18 - Family Troubles

720 19 5

Tw - angst

My senses were heightened, because my eyes became useless. A presence was felt. It was sinister and threatening.

"G-Ghost.." I mumbled, frantically looking around as I backed up, hitting the brick wall behind me. Oh, this was familiar.

"Call for me louder."

I heard his voice echo in my ears, but I couldn't plant where the sound was coming from, and it was frightening.
"Stop playing with me.. j-just come out of the shadows. Its unbecoming." I grumbled, reaching my arm out.

My hand hit something. It felt rock hard. "Maybe if you obeyed my orders, I'd obey yours." He spoke lowly as I felt his hand wrap around my wrist.

As quick as lightning, I was turned around, my chest pressed against the wall with my arm behind my back. I attempted to struggle against his grip but it was no use. But I also didn't want to fight out of his grip.

"Don't move." He ordered, leaning close to my ear. Just like that, I fell under his trance. "You'd do good to listen to me. Someone's got to protect you when Price isn't watching." He whispered, leaning just that bit closer so his lips were pressed against my ear.

Right. His mask was off.

I trembled. And he felt that. His lips formed a smirk as he pulled away. "Get some rest, woman." He repeated, letting go of my wrist.

Then it was empty. He was gone.

As quickly as he captured me, he let me go. I wished he held on forever. I enjoyed the rush of danger.

~ A few days later ~

Ronnie had been asleep. All day every day. His vitals were stable and his condition was fine but the doctor mentioned that he arrived with extreme long term exhaustion and malnutrition as well. Whatever was happening in this kid's life, he definitely held a huge burden.

Price let his mom know he was in good hands and to await further instructions. For her safety, we couldn't compromise our location yet. Of course, she was angry, she hadn't seen her son in days. But that was to change.

"Nngh.. w-where am I..?" Ronnie mumbled as his eyes fluttered open. His leg was elevated and in a cast while the rest of his body was covered in bandages.

"You're awake. Finally. I was beginning to worry." I said with a toothy smile.

"H-how long was I out? And where's my mom?" He asked with a frown.

"A good couple days. But don't worry, we have everything taken care of. Your mom will be here soon." I reassured and stood up, but before I could take my leave, he grabbed my hand.

"W-wait! Thanks for uh.. getting me out and staying. Sorry for pushing you over." He mumbled sheepishly.

"Don't fret. It's what we do." I smiled, giving his hand a little squeeze before letting go. I was beginning to see him as a little brother. Someone who didn't deserve the life that he had. Someone who needed to be given a chance to get out.

It wasn't long before his mom was rushing through the gates. One of the soldiers led her to the infirmary and I caught a quick glance. She was a small woman, harbouring many of the same features as Ronnie. She was in a work uniform, a factory one. For her size, it's unimaginable that she would be doing strenuous labour.

Whilst I had been hanging around the infirmary, I noticed Ghost had gone AWOL. Apparently, he does this often where he just falls off the grid. And the time he's gone differs immensely. Not that I'm complaining. After our last encounter, it would be hard to face him directly, knowing that he would remain unfazed and I'd be a shuddering mess.

Just as I was about to enter my room, I heard my name being called.

"Y/n! Wait up! We need you!" Johhny yelled, running up to me in the corridor. "Hah-.. its the kid and his mom." He said, trying to catch him breath."Infirmary."

I nodded and locked my door, I guess there really is no rest for us.

Once we got to the infirmary, I heard yelling on the inside. Price had slowly sneaked out the door, the noise getting louder as he opened the door wider. "I refuse to get inbetween a mother and son feud." He sighed, slipping through the door. "You're damage control. I'm off." He added, walking off fast enough that I couldn't even oppose.

I looked at the door and sighed heavily before opening it. Here goes nothing.

"This is not a discussion! Look at the state of you!"

"B-But Mom! It's the best thing for me right now! For us!"

The moment I shut the door, the room fell silent and the two turned their attention to me.

"Ahem- sorry to interrupt. I just came to check on Ronnie. But if this isn't a good time then-" I started but his mom cut me off.

"Actually, I'm glad you came. I'm Rosita, Ronnie's Mom, and I cannot express my gratitude for what you did for my son. We're forever in your debt." She praised, grabbing both of my hands.

"Oh! Well I'm glad I could help, it's just what we do." I smiled.

"It is? Yes... your Captain was saying as much when he offered Ronnie a job here-"

"It's not even a job mom! It's training and-"

"Ronnie." She glared. "Although we appreciate the offer, he has to decline.  Ronnie is still recovering and I don't want to risk this second chance of his. He's still young and can work up to safer things." She frowned.

"What safer things, Mom? I dropped out of school to work a shitty job to pay off dad's debts! We aren't safe!" Ronnie yelled. It was clear he was seething at his mom for shutting down his choices.

"Do not speak to me like that! I just want what's best for you! Is that so much to ask?!" Rosita argued.

I can see why Price made his escape quickly.

"Ma'am, I can assure you. If Ronnie was to take up this offer, it would only begin when he is medically cleared. And he has total control over the field he wants to pursue- he does not have to risk his life fighting. He can be behind the scene if he pleases." I clarified in hopes to defuse the situation.

"See, Mom? And it pays so well, we could clear Dad's debt in months!" Ronnie added, but Rosita still seemed conflicted.

"Listen." I started, pulling his mom to the side. "Think of it as a boarding school, he'll have his lessons but also his holidays where he can come and see you. This opportunity- it won't come again. And we'll do everything in our power to make sure he's safe and sound."

Rosita stared at me, tears slowly welling up in her eyes. "I-I tried my hardest. I really did. I didn't want this for him. But his dad-"

"That's over, you did the best with what you was given. Nobody is faulting you for that. But your son wants that responsibility, and there's nothing wrong with that." I reassured, pulling her into a hug. "Take him home and think about it. It doesn't have to be an immediate decision."

I pulled away and she nodded, quickly wiping her eyes. "Thank you. We'll definitely consider it." She said with a small smile.

That was successful, I'd say. And I left them to it. Because that took a lot out of me.

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