58 - Sucker Punch

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TW - soft play, gore

We all assumed position near the table that Ghost and Natasha were sitting at.

Ghost wore an earpiece, and the whole conversation was being recorded. All we had to do was listen. Which proved to be extremely difficult.

"So... are you two actually...?" Natasha asked flatly, but he was unable to find the right words.

"We have. We are no longer together. The paperwork is being filed." Ghost returned bluntly.

"Phew! Dodged a bullet there!" Natasha grinned. "Y'know..." She started, leaning closer. "I always knew she wasn't the right fit for you. From the moment I saw her, my gut told me. That one, she's dangerous. A nuisance."

Ghost nodded slowly. "I'm becoming acutely aware of that fact." He muttered.

"What did she do, anyway?" Natasha laughed. "Those comments you made, Brutal. Even for you."

"She.. did a lot. While I was away. But she was accusatory when I came back. Defensive. Hot-headed. It led to suspicions, but I found out what I needed." He sighed quietly, shaking his head. "She's becoming a liability. With her discharge, I will not have to face disposing her from my team."

"That's the thing, though." Natasha frowned. "The chances of her getting discharged? Barely even 1%. She's got immunity, I heard. There were rumours of certain individuals being untouchable, I just didn't think she was one."

"It would make sense. If that is true, I will have to enact the dismissal myself." He shrugged, taking a sip from his glass, being careful not to uncover his face.

"It would be the best option. Did you see what she did to Victor? She tortured the hell out of him! And she took the fish with her! Like that was the priority.." she scoffed, rolling her eyes.

I was taking it. Handling it very well, with all the insults she threw my way. But her snarky comment made me perk up.

How did she know Victor's name? Or about the fish? Only I knew, and those who saw the fish. But anyone outside of our crew would have only known if they knew Victor personally and went to the auction. After all, it was a masquerade ball.

"Keep her talking, Ghost. Anything." I urged.

"Such speaks to the analysis I offered in the hearing." Ghost spoke in agreement.

"Right? Anyone in their right mind would know not to piss off the princess of the Mafia. Especially with those gruesome words all over the walls! Like they haven't caused us enough trouble. Just as I was-" She ranted but then stopped, downing her drink.

"What is it?" He pressed, leaning forward to show his interest, his hand snaking up to grab her hand lightly.

"This is confidential but...
I was working out a deal with the Mafia, to prevent all this! But it ended in a bloodbath anyway! All because of that skank!" She groaned, now fully holding his hand which made me seethe.

I was physically shaking with anger, Lucy putting her hand on my shoulder to calm me down.

"We should leave. Go to the room." Ghost offered, standing up and noticing ink across the line of her finger.

"The room? Already? I can tell she wasn't doing it for you. You seemed.. frustrated. In need of a woman who knows how to please you without you having to ask." She smirked, standing up with him and licking her lips. "After all, I know every little thing that gets you off. Tie me up, keep me on edge, do-" She started but then her eyes widened, her face screamed terror.

But it happened within a split second.

I had ran from cover straight at her, foregoing all orders to stay put. I wasn't just going to stand there while she touched up my man. Not when I could do something about it. Tackling her to the ground, I mustered up all the energy I could in my numb left arm to grab her shirt and hold her up.

I drove my right fist in her face repeatedly. Again and again.


I heard Konig's voice fade into the background as the sound of Natasha's jaw crackling filled my ears.

An arm grabbed me but quickly let go.

"Let her."

That voice I recognised. Loud and clear. Ghost had given his greenlight, not that I needed it.

My arm finally gave in as I dropped her, her head thwacking against the marble floor. She was unconscious and barely recognisable with how her face swelled and her skin tainted red with her blood.

"That's enough." Ghost sighed, grabbing me by the waist and forcibly pulling me off her and to my feet.

"Hurts like a bitch." I groaned, shaking my left arm to try and get feeling back into it.

But he couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. "Yeah.. I bet it does." He mumbled, looking down at a bruised and battered rat. "Soap, Konig, deal with that. Lucy deal- wait." He furrowed his eyebrows looking back at Lucy. "What are you doing here?" He questioned.

"That's... no matter. I'll deal with damage control. Its what I'm best at." She answered with a grin, saluting Ghost.

"Let's go to the bar." He spoke, holding me by my waist to support me as he led me to the bar. We both sat down and he tapped the counter twice. "The usual. And a med kit. Then clear. " He said to the bartender who immediately answered his call with a nod, leaving after placing the requested items on the counter.

"Show me." He spoke, opening up the med kit and holding out his hand.

I sighed quietly and placed my right hand on his. It was already bruising and cut a the knuckles. I wasn't thinking about how to hit her, just to cause as much damage as I could.

Picking up a wipe, he began to dab the cuts, clearing the blood.

"Fuck." I hissed, clenching my fist.

"We got what we needed. Enough to incriminate and interrogate her." He answered, bandaging up my knuckles.

"Good. After all that verbal torture I endured? I need something to show for it." I smiled.

"I can give you something to show for it." Ghost smirked, pulling his mask off his face as he brought the glass of whiskey to his mouth.

"Yeah? What's that?" I pressed, taking the glass from his hand before he could even take a sip.

"Listen, kitten. Give me back my glass and you'll find out." He said sternly as I swirled the whiskey in the glass.

"Or you could tell me and then I'll give it you back." I suggested in return, raising an eyebrow.

But then we were rudely interrupted by Konig walking in.

"Oh? I get it now... threesome?" I asked with a cheeky smile.

"Do not include me." Konig hissed, crossing his arms.

Ghost grabbed the glass and downed the drink. "I don't share." He grumbled.

"We've secured Natasha Sokolov, she is being taken back to base now." Konig informed.

"Good. Go without us. We are going to stay.. for a while." Ghost replied, putting his glass back down on the table.

"Stay with us, Konig." I teased.

Both said "no" in unison before Konig hurried out of there.

"You're in big trouble now." Ghost said lowly, grabbing my chin and turning my head to face him.

"I am? I thought I did well today, catching a traitor who tried to get in your pants." I shrugged.

"That you did. And I'm proud." He smirked, leaning close as his grip moved down to my neck, tightening. "But you also caused me a lot of difficulty today.. and for that, you'll just have to take whatever I give you. And be grateful for it. Understand?"

I nodded.

"There we go again.. Where are your words?" He questioned, lifting my head up to look at him.

"Mm.. I understand, sir." I spoke.

"That's what I like to hear." He grinned.

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