83 - Something New

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~ A Few Months Later ~

"Just tell him it's for like two hours. Then at the party he can go back to his uniform." I sighed heavily.

"He'll compromise but the mask stays." Lucy frowned.

"The mask can stay, but he has to way a blue suit then." I returned.

"Roger that, I'll let Konig know. Also you have a guest." Lucy informed, looking down at her phone.

"Really? Now? I need to get ready for the wedding. The hair stylist and makeup artist will be here soon and I'm still talking to the catering people-" I started to explain.

"J-Just hear me out! You're going to want to see this guest. Price is bringing her in. I'll deal with catering, and keeping the rest of the boys away." She offered, taking the list from my hand before walking out. "Good luck!" She called from behind her.

It had been a good couple months since I last saw Anastasia. She was still rotting in her cell. My eye had fully healed but was still glazed with a mix of white and grey. The doctor said my circumstances remain unknown. But I've learnt to live with it. Ghost was finally out of his cast and was back on missions. I would accompany on some that was regarded as light work but most of my time went to training and maintaining my talents. Not to mention wedding planning, which was a lot more stressful than let on. Especially with two events as opposed to one.

"We're coming in." Price spoke aloud, opening the door as I fastened my gown.

"Isn't there some kind of bad luck for you to be visiting just before-" I started as I turned around to see Price wheeling in an old lady. I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked down at her.

"She's the one?" The old lady spoke, looking up at Price to which he nodded. The old lady held her hands out. "Come here." She beckoned.

I nodded slowly and approached her, taking up her hands, still very confused.

"This is Ghost's grandma, Gracelynn. Flew all the way from England to visit. She raised Ghost for most of his life." Price informed.

"Oh please, call me Grace. And his name is Simon, I don't have the foggiest why he goes by that silly name." She scolded lightly, squeezing my hands.

"Well uhm, it's lovely to meet you. I'm Y/n." I replied with a nervous smile. "S-Sorry I'm just a little surprised. Simon never mentioned you. Or any family in fact, so I just assumed-"

"He sure acts like it! I have not seen that boy in a long time. Always up to something he is, and never tells me any of it! Now he's marrying a beautiful girl and I find out from his captain. Can you believe?" She sighed heavily to which I smiled.

"I'm sure he has his reasons." I reassured.

"Don't you go making excuses on his behalf. Too good for him, you are, I can just tell by looking at you." She scolded once more before bringing my hands up and kissing each one. "I'll leave you to it, I've got to go talk his ear off and get ready myself! I hope one extra won't ruin anything!" She grinned.

"Now that I know you exist, you're always welcome." I teased, letting go of her hands and giving her a light hug. "Thank you for visiting, Grace. We'll do something proper soon." I spoke before pulling away.

"Of course, dear." She smiled, cupping my face gently. "You're a pretty girl, how you ended up with my boy I don't know. But I do know he's in good hands." She said warmly. Price nodded to me before pulling her away, rolling her back out of the room and closing the door.

I look down at my watch and realised the time. "Right! Dress!" I reminded myself, rummaging through the closet.

~ A Few Hours Later ~

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