39 - Memory Lane

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TW - gore

~ flashback to trainee days ~

"You are not ready!" Price yelled, pacing around his office.

"I've literally been waiting for this moment! Who are you to tell me I'm not ready?!" I challenged in return. "I've been training for years. I've passed all your stupid tests! What more do you want??"

"Patience, Y/n. You lack patience." He sighed, sitting down at his desk.

"And you lack foresight. This man murdered my family. I need in. He oversaw the whole thing!" I huffed, leaning against the desk opposite him. "Talk to them. Get me on this mission. You won't regret it." I pleaded.

"Your guardians still need to sign off on it. And you require a mental health check... fine. Providing you pass, I'll get you on that mission." He frowned, giving in to which I smirked, revealing two envelopes from behind me.

"Am I leaving today then? Or tomorrow?" I grinned.

~ At the Barracks ~

"I am your mission leader today! We have one objective only. To eliminate Andrei Ovechkin. He is ruthless, vicious. He won't hesitate, so neither should you! The plan is simple, we load up and storm the building in flanks of 8. 4 take east and 4 take west. These are the units." The mission leader informed, handing out pieces of paper.

"What the fuck... why do we have her? As team leader too?" One man groaned to the other.

I kissed my teeth. It was obvious they were whining at me. There were lots of women who trained to enter the field, but all failed to prove themselves. Or didn't make it to that stage at all. Not me. I had every intention to get to the top.

"Don't fuck this up. We're getting paid nicely for this. I don't want to lose a wage to your mistakes." The man threatened, approaching me.

"Jacob Ernest, right?" I spoke, reading his name tag. "Your holder is facing the wrong way, Ernest, a mistake like that will leave you struggling to even draw your weapon on the field. It will get you killed, soldier." I threatened in return. "Let's load up."

Jacob Ernest, the misogynist. Sebastian Davies, his lackey. And Ruslan Kennedy. He was quiet, but meant business.

~ On The Field ~

"Squad 1 through 4, are you in position?" I heard through the intercoms. "Affirmative, sir." I responded, signalling the Squad to draw their guns quietly.

Ernest and Davies looked at eachother, hesitating before pulling their guns out. Kennedy followed suit immediately.

We were currently behind a wall near the stairwell, waiting to pounce. Taking the front flank, we were in direct line of fire and the most susceptible.

It's exactly how I liked it.

Suddenly, I withdrew my gun for my knife, slipping out from behind cover and lodging the blade into an enemy's neck. Quietly, I dragged him back behind cover and digged my knife deep, blood spurting out as he struggled to make any sound.

Ernest and Davies looked at me in shock. I shook my head, did they not hear his footsteps? He was so close to blowing our cover. Once he was successfully unalived, I pulled my knife out and wiped the blood against his uniform.

"We move to-" I started but then a loud bang was heard.

The ceiling began to crumble.

"F-fuck! Get down!" I yelled, pushing the team to the ground as bombs could be heard all around us. I managed to get us all under the stairs as the ceiling erupted from all around us.

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