56 - Exhibit A

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NSFW - soft play

We had gotten back to our apartment and had changed into new clothes, freshening up for the day. I told Ghost about my plan, and he didn't seem too confident about what I had asked him to do. But it was necessary to make everything that much more believable.

"I'm telling you, they won't make a decision immediately. They can't. My contract is airtight." I reassured him as we approached the doors. "Now remember, only hostility. Like when you punched me in the face." I smirked.

Ghost rolled his eyes. "I don't like this, Y/n." He grumbled, crossing his arms.

"You don't need to. It's just something that needs to be done." I shrugged, knocking on the door and waiting to be called in.

The doors opened for us. Ghost had to be there since I was under his official command, he was mainly there as a supervisory role but they might ask him a few questions which I anticipated.

When we walked in, the nerves began to sink in. There was a panel of 12 people, all in their fancy suits and slick back hair. They were all important figureheads of the corporation we served under. But my eyes really only focused on one. Natasha Sokolov. She had substituted the actual director of Diplomatic Relations. But this just meant it was all falling in favour.

"Y/n Y/l/n, are you aware of the reason for your presence today?" One spoke into the microphone.

"Yes I am, sir." I answered, my eyes wondering. I recognised a couple faces, those who would fight for my corner. All I need was for a deferred decision, which shouldn't be too difficult.

"Great. Assumingly you have read the briefing and have reviewed the grounds for a potential discharge. What have you say on this matter?" Another asked.

"I firmly believe I had acted in a reasonable manner when conducting this confidential operation." I spoke bluntly.

"Reasonable!? Clyde, bring up the photographs taken on the scene of the crime." Natasha said, speaking to the administrator in the hall.

Clyde obliged, starting up the projector and showcasing the gruesome images which resulted in sounds of disapproval.

"Please justify your acts of reasonableness." One suggested.

"These aren't just any members of the Mafia. They controlled our district. Drove us underground for 4 months and picked off many soldiers in that time span. What I did, it was enough to extract valuable information that will be of help to us. All of us." I explained.

"And what is this information that you speak of?"

"That's... to be seen. We are still deconstructing what I had gathered." I sighed quietly. "All I need is some more time and-"

"More time?" Natasha scoffed. "The measures you had taken reflected the brutality of our corporation to the public eye. You were careless and absent-minded. Those qualities make you unfit to operate in the field."

A handful agreed but others were quick to defy.

"Miss Sokolov, Miss Y/n has more than proven her capability of working in the field. She has a phenomenal track record and has aided us immensely in our fight against the Mafia." One concluded. "The current situation at hand may not call for a heavy handed approach." Others rallied for this.

"Lieutenant. What say you on this matter?" Another asked, causing the room to fall silent. Many must have known about Ghost and I, how I was essentially screwing my boss. But they weren't ready for what was about to come out of his mouth.

"I support the decision to discharge of Field Ageny Y/n." He spoke bluntly. The room felt tense as I looked back at him, shock in my face as well. But his eyes remained steady on the board.

"... Please. Explain the reasoning further."

"From what I have viewed personally, Miss Y/l/n has demonstrated tendencies of being impulsive and reckless. This greatly affects her performance in the field, sometimes acting in her favour but rarely so." He explained.

"And outside of the field?" Natasha asked which warranted a look from a board member.

"The relevance of this question, Sokolov?" One asked.

"We need to judge her character, Saunders. To do this, we ought to retrieve a full analysis." She justified, which sounded like a load of crap but nobody was going to intervene. Not when we were about to spill some tea.

Ghost let out a sigh through his tea. "Outside of the field, there is very little to say about her nature as it revolves around her work. She is dedicated, but some might comment this can quickly become obsessive. She is hardworking, but again, perhaps at her own expense. Most importantly, her own ambitions and goals are prioritised over others-"

He was going to keep going but stopped himself, crossing his arms.

It sounded like it was real, a little too real. That stung.

"Is that really what you think of me? You were so quick to move on, fucking Russians like you were on vacation." I cursed lowly, looking back at him. Nobody was going to interrupt. They were attentive and listening, ready to spread the gossip. But most of all, Natasha was intrigued. And that was all I needed.

"Ahem. Thank you, Lieutenant." One spoke, breaking the uncomfortable silence. "Miss Y/l/n. Anything to add?"

"Can I speak on the credibility of the Lieutenant's analysis of my character?" I asked, crossing my arms, just fueling the fire.

"Denied." The board member said awkwardly. Then they started discussing but quickly resumed the hearing after a couple moments.

"We have decided collectively to defer the decision of your discharge. We will meet at a later date and review the circumstances then. Dismissed." A board member explained, everyone agreeing with a nod. But Natasha had a look that could kill. She was not impressed.

"Thank you." I answered before taking my leave, Ghost following behind at a distance just to portray our separation.

Once we were in the clear and ensured the corridors were empty, I stopped in my tracks. "That was a success, Lieutenant. You played your role well." I smirked.

"I fuck Russians?" He questioned with a scoff. "Just you wait until I get you alone. I'm going to fuck that pussy of yours so hard you'll beg for a vacation." I heard him walk closer until he was right behind me. Then I felt his hand wonder from my ass to my flower, rubbing me gently through my clothes.

"F-fuck.." I moaned lightly, faltering against his touch.

"Stay needy for me, kitten. You don't know when I'll come to fuck you senseless. So take good care of this treasure for me, okay?" He questioned, but I couldn't even muster up any words.

"Answer me, kitten." He ordered, pinching my clit which was already throbbing for attention.

"Y-Yes sir." I groaned, squeezing my eyes shut. Then he stopped teasing me, thankfully so. It took so much of me to not just push him to the ground and sit on his face again.

"Good." He praised, patting my head lightly. "Keep your cover. I'll see you tonight. Or sooner rather than later. Until then, kitten." He smirked, brushing passed me and disappearing off into a different corridor.

Hiding our relationship wasn't even the difficult part. It was definitely going to be the questions and judgement received from others about it. After all, rumours spread like wildfire. I just had to tolerate it until the next part of the plan is brought to fruition.

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