48 - Priorities

495 18 2

TW - soft play

"You're telling me that in this whole city there is not one room that she can stay in?" I questioned, pushing his hand away from me, immediately ruining the mood.

"It's not that simple, kitten. She's an informant who needs constant monitoring-"

"So she needs a babysitter." I cut him off with a scoff. "What is this? Some early motherhood training? How to keep the snitch from escaping? Should we lock the windows? Maybe the cabinets too?"

He sighed heavily and stood up. "She's important, woman. And so she'll be staying here. I assumed responsibility of her four months ago, it's my duty to look after her."

"Are you saying this as the Lieutenant or as my husband?" I retorted, putting the half eaten tray back onto the bedside table.

"Don't go there." He warned.

"I don't have to. You already went there." I muttered, getting back under the covers and facing away from him.

He could have fought the decision, he should have. But I know he didn't. Was it so wrong to just want to have him to myself for even a day? He might be able to easily not give a fuck but for some, it doesn't come so easy. And then to know the woman he did spend the last four months with was now going to be living in our home... it didn't matter that there was nothing between them, she probably got to know more about him than I do now. It made me feel insecure. Who wouldn't? Whilst I was frequenting a hospital bed, he was oceans away with a ravishing Russian lady.

"You are tasked with accompanying Angelina Lebedev on her endeavours this afternoon. You must follow what she says without question." He instructed stoically, crossing his arms.

"So if she tells me to jump off a building do I ask how high or do I just find the closest one and jump?" I snarked.

"Lose the attitude first." He responded as I heard him walk to the door.

"Right, I don't want to be remembered as a moody bitch." I grumbled, but then his footsteps stopped.

Suddenly the covers were yanked off me, leaving my nude body fully exposed to the cold air. Ghost grabbed my side and flipped me onto my back spreading my leg with his knee as his knee dug into my sensitive space

His hands seized my wrists and held them above my head so I couldn't look anywhere but at him.

"Like that?" He questioned, leaning down close to my ear as his knee began to move side to side ever so slightly, causing my flower to crave his touch.

"F-fuck.." I hissed through my teeth, enjoying the feeling of the fabric causing friction against my opening.

"Begging for pleasure won't always work. You have to earn it. So behave like the good little slut you are and I'll make you scream for me later." He whispered lowly, tugging on my ear lobe gently before pulling away.

I was shocked.

Did he just call me a slut?

Did I kind of like it?

He actually makes me feel like I'm going insane sometimes.

"Do you understand?" He questioned, picking up on my silence.

"Yes sir..." I spoke clearly, looking back up at him to see his smug smirk.

"Good girl." He finally let go of my hands and stood up once more. "Rest while you can, you'll need to get those pretty legs working. I'll be heading out now. Till tonight, kitten." And with that, he left, leaving me stunned.

What was actually wrong with him? What was wrong with me? I really just let him go like that.

"For fuck sake!" I shouted in annoyance, grabbing the duvet and pulling it back over me. Why'd I fold so quickly? I should have put up more resistance. He's lucky he's a fine man.

~ A Couple Hours Later ~

The alarm buzzed, signalling for me to get up. I wasn't looking forward to monitoring Angelina. But I had to separate my personal feelings and professional expertise. I wasn't going to let this mission fail, but how could it anyway? It's not difficult to keep an eye on one person.

I crawled out of bed, testing the waters carefully as I brought more weight onto my legs. Okay... I think I'm good. For the most part, anyway. I guess I do recover quickly.

It took me longer to get ready though, having to deal with the soreness down there. But I just lathered some medicinal cream on it and hoped for the best.

Just as I was clearing the tray from earlier on I heard a knock on the door. Going over, I opened to see the blonde individual. "Lebedev. Come in." I mumbled, stepping out of the way. "Can I get you something to drink?"

"Nyet. Спасибо (thanks)." She responded quietly before entering with a suitcase.

She was judging. I could tell.

"Well... here, I'll show you your room and then we will begin with, whatever you need to do today." I explained, beckoning her to follow me passed the living area. It was all open plan besides the two bedrooms and main bathroom. I held the guest bedroom door open for her.

Ghost had already prepared for her arrival it seemed, fresh towels waiting on a newly made bed. It made me wince. Even if I had heavily opposed this decision, she still would have stayed.

Angelina walked into the room and placed her suitcase at the foot of the bed. "Are you dressed?" She asked, not even looking at me as she opened her suitcase.

"Yeah." I answered simply, furrowing my eyebrows as I looked down at my uniform.

"Perhaps you would like to wear something less.. obvious." She hinted, looking up at me.

"Plain clothes?"

She nodded.

Great. That meant we're going off base. I guess I really did need to use my legs today. "I'll be right back." I sighed, walking back into our bedroom and closing the door.

I went with something casual, one of Ghost's black tees, because that is the only colour of tee he had in excess for some reason, and blue cargos. I needed something breathable, for my situation.

I walked back out to see Angelina waiting on the couch. "Is that what you are wearing?" She asked bluntly. Our vibes today were completely different. Her in her baby pink dress and knee high stockings, and me in my comfy wear. I just didn't feel like dressing up. "Yeah, this is me. Let's go before we lose daylight." I muttered, heading to the door.

Angelina quickly caught up to me and we left.

Infatuation (18+) | Ghost X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now