28 - Romantic Reaction

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TW - soft play

After finishing breakfast, we brushed our teeth and got ready for the day. Not like we had anything going on since we were both out of commission.

"I need to get out of here." I grumbled, falling back on the bed dramatically. "I'm sick of looking at these walls."

"Where can you go?" He questioned, rolling his injured shoulder back. "We're hot right now. We need to lie low."

"Let's go to the garden. I think we can both benefit from fresh air. Aren't you tired of being in here?" I suggested.

"I've been to prison, woman. I'm used to it." He smirked, leaning over me from the opposite side of the bed.

"Wait. You've been to prison?" I asked curiously, sitting up. "What did you go in for?"

"What's your connection to the Mafia?" He asked in return.

"I guess these are stories for a later date." I mumbled, getting off the bed and grabbing my crutch. "Let's get going."

We both began to make our way to garden. It was strange walking with the Lieutenant, and not behind. Honestly, I often forget about the honorifics and that he was a much higher rank than me. It was evident with the salutes and 'Sir's he'd receive throughout the corridors. Sometimes, I would also get 'Ma'am' which was a pleasant surprise.

There were very few people outside in the garden. But that just meant more space for us. Ghost looked at me, wanting me to lead the way.

I took his hand with my free one and led him over to a secluded bench that had the shade of a huge willow tree. An array of colourful flowers were also in sight and chirping birds could be heard.

I'm so glad the weather was nice.

We both sat down and I rested my crutch beside me. "You were horrible, you know." I informed, twiddling my thumbs.

He looked over at me.

"When we first met. You didn't have to do what you did." I clarified. "You didn't have to hit me."

"You didn't have to let me hit you. I know you refused to evade." He retorted sternly. "You're an equal, you're treated no different."

"If I evaded, would you have left it?"

He fell silent.

"Hit me."


"You heard me. Hit me."

I scoffed and crossed my arms. "I'm not going to hit you."

"I took it too far. I shouldn't have hit you. So hit me." He explained, turning to me properly and picking up my hand.

"Stop it, Ghost. I won't hit you." I persisted, shaking his grip off me.

His hand then reached to my chin, turning my head back to face him.

"Then kiss me."


"Are you deaf, woman? Kiss me." He repeated, pulling his mask down.

"Y-you can't be serious.." I laughed a little, awkwardly, rolling my eyes.

But then he leaned in, placing a soft kiss on my lips.

I didn't pull away.

His hand cupped my face, his thumb brushing against my cheek as he withdrew just enough to place some separation between us.

"Do I always have to act first?" He questioned, his hot breath fanning my lips.

I gulped down. My cheeks were flaming pink. We both knew that. I took a moment, thinking of how to respond. But I couldn't think of any words.

Instead, I closed the space between us and placed my lips on his. This took him by surprise but he was quick to accustom to it.

He definitely took the lead, his mouth parting slightly, forcing mine to do the same as his tongue entered my mouth. I could feel his tongue explore every corner and every inch as I held back. His force and passion instinctively made me lean back as he moved more on top of me, our lips remaining on eachothers.

But then the back of my shoulder hit the arm rest of the bench. "Ow!" I jumped, causing him to quickly pull back.

"What happened? You okay?" He asked, helping me to sit back up.

"F-fuck.." I hissed, resting my hand on my hurt shoulder as I let out a painful sigh. "I'm good."

Ghost frowned a little, putting his mask back up and leaning back. "Here, be careful." He mumbled, moving me around gently and then lying my head on his lap.

I pulled my legs up onto the bench so I could lie comfortably. We sat in awkward silence for a moment but then i spoke up, breaking the tension. "What is with the mask?" I ask.

"Keeps me anonymous." He shrugged. "It's something I've done since my anarchist days. A difficult habit to break."

"Who else has seen your face?"

"A few. I won't name them."

"Pssht. Withholding information?" I rolled my eyes which resulted in him smirking.

"You'll catch on to who knows. Add Lucy Adams to that list, even if it was just a glance." He spoke, brushing his thumb over my lips.

He often wore gloves so it was strange to feel the touch of his skin as opposed to fabric.

"Briggs!" He called out, quickly removing his hand from my lip to beckon a soldier over. I turned my head to see them rush over, an unlit cigarette still hanging from his mouth.

"Lieutenant! Miss Y/l/n.." He said, saluting. "How can I be of help?"

"At ease, soldier. I know you're on break. Could you pass a smoke?" He asked to which the soldier obliged, handing his lighter and a cigarette over.

"You're sick." I glared upwards at him.

"Difficult habit to break, woman." He muttered, lighting the cigarette and throwing it back at the soldier who caught it. "Dismissed, close off this area. Thanks, soldier."

I sighed and crossed my arms. "That's one habit that is worth the difficulty to break."

Ghost pulled down his mask with a smile. "I'll work on it." He spoke back, blowing out the smoke in his mouth. His right handed, which was in a cast, rested just above my head so he could stroke his fingers through my hair.

And just like that, I was no longer in a bad mood.

I almost found myself dozing off a handful of times since neither of us was talking. The heat of the sun provided the warmth and his hand combing through my hair provided me comfort.

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