15 - Promiscuous Girl

843 24 9

TW - angst/fluff

A couple hours had passed and a handful of bags had accumulated. We were both sitting in the food court as I munched on a burger. Ghost, very boringly, opted for a salad. Acting like a single burger would ruin his physique.

"The mission brief?" He questioned, finishing up his salad.

"Mm! I almost forgot!" I said, almost choking on my food. "However, it's a surprise." I answered with a cheeky grin, looking at the time and realising we had to set off anyway.

Ghost didn't even bother to prod me for answers, knowing how stubborn I was.

I gave him the directions in which we were led to a dodgy back alley. There was trash everywhere, the area was grimy and questionable people hung around. Ghost was on his guard, now more than ever.

"Oh relax." I smiled as he wheeled up to a door with a guard standing in front. "I suggest you turn around." The guard threatened with a blank face. But then I uttered one word.


His eyes opened wide as he quickly opened the door, music blasting from the other side.

Ghost grunted slightly as he wheeled me in, apprehensive about this whole situation. We were now in the welcome corridor, ugly paintings of sea animals hanging from the wall. He took a quick look inside the next room and sighed heavily. "Is this a place for whores?"

"Sex workers, Ghost." I corrected, shaking my head. "Take us in! It's for work!" I tried to lighten up the mood but heavily doubted it would work.

Ghost led us inside as I paid for a private booth. I moved myself onto the sofa and Ghost sat beside me with a huff.

The music was loud and the lights were flashy. The stage was decorated with Benjamins and women wearing... well basically nothing. They were mesmerising.

A handful roamed the floors, servicing the customers and giving out drinks. My eyes remained glued to them. I was slightly intimidated by their confidence and seduction. But the smiles they wore were the most inviting and comfortable.

Ghost threw his head back in a sigh, staring at the ceiling. I wasn't sure whether he was just being respectful or was repelled by their profession. Whatever it was, it wasn't a good look.

I brought my hand to his chin and tilted his head back towards me. "Go take a look around... you're blowing our cover." I whispered, letting go. He then seemed to be reminded that this was a mission, turning all serious. With a nod, he got up and left.

His sulky mood ruined the vibe a little; it definitely screamed suspicion. But it was interesting to see his initial reaction to this place.

"Having trouble with your man? Maybe I could spice things up? Show him what he's missing.." A sultry woman approached me. Her breasts were barely covered, stars plastered on her nipples for some protection. The thong she wore was black and shiny, showcasing her long slender legs. Her body was drenched in glitter, and she definitely shone like a ray of light.

"I'm Shimmer.. maybe I can show you what you might be missing out on." She spoke in a teasing tone, dragging her finger along my jawline and stopping when it brushed against my lip. I tilted my head away. "Sorry. I don't swing that way."

"Perhaps I could change your mind." She replied with a cheekly grin, crawling onto my lap but her knees were either side of my legs, trapping me in. "Perhaps.. but first, let's work on him." I said with a smirk.

We hatched a plan. Something that might warrant a response. I wanted to see his facade crack, even just a little. This might be a mission, but I chalked this interaction with Shimmer up to gathering Intel.

Infatuation (18+) | Ghost X Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن