13 - Covered In Colours

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TW - fluff

So, I couldn't punch him in the face. But I could play on his guilt for what happened during the mission, and that was enough for me.

I was in my room, getting dressed, my flowy skirt already on as I went to grab my top. Today was practically an off day despite still being on the clock, only for emergencies however.

I pulled off my pyjama top and then a certain somebody slammed open the door, with a wheelchair.

"You really told Price-" He started, but then his eyes faltered, noticing that I was in my bra. "Ahem- you requested to take me to the mall?" He questioned, his gaze now looking away.

"Oh come on, don't act like you haven't seen them before." I mumbled, putting on my top and tucking it in. "I did. I figured you would try to get out of it. But we're officially doing recon." I grinned, turning to face him.


I stepped back slightly.

Ghost wore light washed blue trousers with a plain black hoodie. His visor was missing too, his only gear being his hat and a plain black mask.

This was the first time I was able to stare into his eyes clearly. They were pools of darkness, empty, and unwavering.

"I'll tell you more about it after." I mumbled, throwing my purse at him and then going to take my seat on the wheelchair. With every step I took, my body felt heavy, like I was drowning. Should I even be going outside?

Ghost caught my purse instinctively  and then leaned down towards my ear, hovering from behind me. I felt his heat fan my neck as his gloved hand reached up, gently taking all my hair in his hand and displaying it on my shoulder. The side of my neck was  now exposed.

I turned my head impulsively, giving him a better look.

"Let's make today worth it." He grumbled lowly in my ear before grabbing the wheelchair handles and taking the lead.

Fuck me.

He really knew what to do and how to do it.

Since this was technically a recon mission (thank you Price), we were able to request a car from holding, and of course Ghost picked the least flashy but most high end car. A black BMW.

He drove, of course, and the journey wasn't long, but we did spend majority of it in silence.

"S-so, about what i heard over comms-" He started but I quickly cut him off.

"It was a dildo, Ghost." I mumbled, looking away, already knowing what he wanted clarification on. "I mean- Sir."

"Right.. he did say, I just didn't know whether to believe him." Ghost mentioned, eyes staying sharp on the road, indifferent about my slip up.

And like that, tension lingered in the air for the rest of the ride. Luckily however, it wasn't too long of a journey from base to the mall. Somewhere I was super excited to visit. It presented a sense of normalcy, like I was actually apart of the city I was living in.

As Ghost left the car, the back of his hoodie rode up to reveal a glock. He turned around and registered my glance.

"I'm licensed to carry."

Of course he was, almost everyone on base was. I was. But it didn't mean we needed a gun at every instance. Instead, I brought a knife, holstered around my thigh, not that I had any intent to use it.

He grabbed the wheelchair and brought it around to my side. I was able to stand up myself and get into the seat comfortably, passing my bag to him once more.

Infatuation (18+) | Ghost X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now