65 - Answers

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Ghost left moments later. Whatever happened while I was making breakfast couldn't be good, especially since he wasn't too keen on telling me.

But I just had to get on with my day. After showering, I headed to the infirmary where Hope was working to donate blood.

"And he left? Just like that?" Hope asked, sticking the needle into my arm.

"Yeah.. people usually say shit like that when they don't plan on coming back." I sighed, wincing as the needle slid into my skin.

"Maybe it has to do with Melnyk, or Natasha. With both of them out there, you're not safe." Hope suggested.

"I doubt he's made so much progress in the last day to now figure out where they ran off too. Its not exactly realistic." I replied, sinking back into the seat.

"It's Lieutenant Ghost Riley, his existence is not exactly realistic." Hope smiled. "You shouldn't have anything to worry about, besides the shifts you'll be working today." She said cheekily.

~ Many Hours Later ~
~ Ghost POV ~

He was out. Very far out. In a desolate space where he harboured one man in a miserable room. Soldiers were posted at every entrance and exit.

There were plans. He'd make it home tonight, but he'd also succeed tonight.

"You followed her, why?" He questioned, toying with the contraptions on the table. But the man remained silent, still trembling with fear.

"Did you think I wouldn't realise? Because I was drunk?" Ghost scoffed, moving over to the larger weapons at his disposal. "I just needed you to drop your guard, and that you did." Finally, he opted for the army knife. Not the flashiest choice, but it got the job done. "What did you find out? What did you see?"

"Sir-" a soldier entered the room, holding Ghost's phone. "Apologies for interrupting but your phone has been ringing for a while now. It seems to be an emergency."

"Who's calling?" Ghost asked, inspecting the knife.

"The ID is Kitten."

"How many calls?"

"Twenty six so far."


"Fifty two notifications."

Ghost smirked. "Persistent. Check the messages." He instructed, approaching the man tied to a chair but stopped when he heard his phone drop to the floor and an audible gasp. "What was it?" He questioned.

"I-I... I didn't see anything!" The soldier urged, picking up the phone and handing it to Ghost.

Ghost furrowed his eyebrows at what covered his screen. "How troublesome." He mumbled with a small sigh, scrolling down to see various more explicit texts and images.

~ Y/n's POV ~

"You sent him what?!" Angelina said in shock. It was now well into the evening, very close to the night with the sun already being down.

"He was ignoring my calls! I figured-" I sighed heavily. "I've not heard anything. Nobody knows where he is, or what he's doing, not even Price."

"You said he's read the messages though, right? So that means he's seen them?" Angelina clarified.

"He did.. but he didn't respond. How could he ignore them? It literally took me hours trying to think of good shit to say, and get good angles." I spoke fustratedly, burying my head into the couch. "It's so embarrassing! He didn't even like the message!"

"Maybe he's just... figuring out how to respond? I don't know, Y/n. Don't stress over it too much. You need rest." She frowned.

"I just have a bad feeling about this all. Like- there's this empty pit in my stomach. I was so sure he'd respond to those pictures, out of everything. Now I look so stupid!" I groaned. "It's okay, Angelina.. I know you're tired. I'll get to sleep soon. I'm just gonna wait a little bit longer." I added.

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