36 - Petty Promises

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I almost choked on the air I was breathing. "R-repeat?" I asked, hitting my chest lightly.

His hand snaked along the table to grab mine. "Need me prove it?" He asked with a grin that only meant trouble

"I certainly do not, I will very much take your word for it." I said quickly.

He laughed a little and then hit the bell with his other hand. "Lasagna and risotto, right?"

"How did you know?" I mumbled and thought for a moment. "You really asked Lucy all that?" I interrogated.

"I wouldn't have known." He answered bluntly. "I offered her more annual leave and then she gave you up."

"Wow.." I kissed my teeth in shock. "All I'm worth is annual leave?"

"Not to me." He muttered as the door opened, the waitress entering the room.

"Your key, sir. How can I help?" She asked.

"Risotto and Lasagna." He spoke simply, handing her the menus.

"Wait! What about dessert?" I asked.

"Kitten, you are the dessert." He smirked.

Both the waitress and I went wide eyed with a blush.

"If that is all-" She said, flustered to which I gave a quick nod and she had hurried out.

"You can't just say those things Ghost!" I whisper yelled to which he only laughed at my embarrassment.

Food arrived not soon after with it literally just being what I ordered, Ghost only receiving a fancy bottle of whiskey.

"Come here often? The staff seem to know you well." I asked, munching on my risotto as I held up the spoon to his mouth.

"Yeah. Often." He mumbled, taking the bite before standing up. I already fed him quite a bit of my food, mainly because I couldn't finish it all myself.

It tasted divine, but it was a lot in quantity. Probably the reason why he didn't order anything.

"Why did you sleep with her?" I asked abruptly, the conversation doing at complete 180, but I was so casual with it.

"I was drunk." He muttered, standing up to go over the window.

"You sober now?"

"More than usual." He spoke, opening the window then lighting a cigarette.

I smiled a little. "And Riley?"

"Simon 'Ghost' Riley, woman. It's my name." He expanded, turning around to face me. "Like I previously stated, she is not a concern." He assured.

"Simon Riley.. You're delusional if you think she's just going to let you go. After so long? How can you be so sure?" I laughed.

He rolled his eyes, breathing out smoke.

"My eyes are only on you." He muttered, throwing the bud out of the window. "Come." He walked over and pulled out my chair, helping me get up after putting his mask up. Taking my hand in his, he led me out of the door.

"Where to now?" I asked, keeping up with his pace.

"You'll see. Or you won't." He smirked, whisking me down a desolate corridor. Then we stood outside a door that was painted bright red and had a golden R on it.

Looking around, he removed his mask and folded it into a blindfold, ready to tie it on me.


"Do you trust me?" He asked, to which I nodded. Then he proceeded, guiding me into the room. It was all a mystery to me, I couldn't even look downwards with how well he covered my eyes.

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