75 - Unpleasantry

319 12 0

TW - gore

"We're here." He mumbled, pulling in close to the vicinity. "Go through the back door, that pass will get you in. If anything comes up, let me know." He explained as I gathered my gear.

"Yes sir." I responded, leaning over and kissing him gently. "Good luck." I smiled, opening the car door.

"Yeah... you too." He mumbled, furrowing his eyebrows.

It gets harder and harder to split for missions every time we're assigned one. The worry only grows. But it's the nature of our career.

Carefully I approached the backdoor, scoping out the building before slipping in. It seemed vacant, which tracked for it being a Sunday, since nobody besides us would work on this day. It worked well for cover.

My gun was holstered for now, even though it had a silencer. I was equipped with my knife though, ready to slit anyone's throat who crossed my path. But the maintenance section was desolate, I did hear minor commotion from the main lobby however.

I located the elevator and used the pass to access it, pressing the button for the top floor, where Sokolov was hiding out. I waited patiently as the numbers increased on the screen.

But then the elevator stopped much to my surprise. "Fuck." I hissed under my breath, hiding my knife and pulling my cap down when the door opened.

It was a small woman in business attire. "полдень (afternoon)." She smiled, pressing the button for a few floors up.

I tipped my hat at her but watched her movements carefully. She seemed harmless enough. And it proved that she was, getting out at her stop. Then the elevator proceeded, crawling up to the top floor, my nerves growing with every new height reached.

Finally, the doors opened, revealing a corridor. I took a deep breath.

"Kitten, do you copy? Over." Ghost's voice rung through my ear which made me jump.

"I copy. Over." I responded.

"Status? Over."

"I'm approaching the target. On the top floor. Over."

"Copy that. Keep an eye on your six. I'm on the convoy. Will be occupied." He answered.

"Affirmative. Love you." I smiled.

"Love you too." He returned before I heard the static of the mic, only hearing the faint revving of his engine now if I really focused on it.

I exited the elevator and equipped my gun, holding it firmly as I walked down the corridor.

It was silent.

Too silent.

Almost eery.

I would place my head against a couple doors to listen for noise, try handles on others that were locked. It was like a game of cat and mouse.

Then I was met with the final door on the floor. I was cautious, listening in. But I did hear noise, albeit faint. It sounded like, shuffling?

I checked my six once more before twisting the handle of the door.

It was open.

And the door creaked open.

What the fuck?

I stepped into the room in shock on what my eyes landed on.

It was Natasha Sokolov. Tied to a chair, ducktape on her bloody mouth as she panicked in her drenched clothing.

Her eyes went just as wide as mine as she tried to flail in the chair.

"W-What the fuck is going on?" I questioned, rushing towards Natasha and pulling off the tape on her mouth to reveal the savagery behind it.

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