29 - Defiance

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Turns out, I did doze off.

"Next time, just don't drive. Did you not learn from Operation Ingenious?"

"I didn't think they'd get ahead of us. I didn't plan for that."

"Mistakes were made. But you can't rush reinstallment. Stick to the paperwork for now."

"I need to be- you awake?"

Ghost looked down at me.

"Mhm.. how long was I out?" I asked, sitting up slowly to see Johnny, who had pulled up a chair.

"About an hour, I'd say? Just before I came. But it's good to see you out here." Johnny smiled, putting out his cigarette.

"Likewise." I said groggily before stretching out and lying back down.

"Going back to sleep?" Ghost asked, flicking the embers off his cigarette.

"No- just resting." I replied. "Say, Johnny, what were you both talking about when I was asleep? Because you're both awfully quiet now." I asked curiously, noticing Ghost give him a glare.

Johnny laughed nervously. "Hah.. Just about the mission you both went on. And how his legs are numb from sitting down for so long."

Ghost let out a huge sigh, not happy at all with that answer.

"Oh." I got up and propped myself up against the bench so I was sitting up properly. "Didn't realise. Sorry." I mumbled, half embarrassed.

Shaking his head, Ghost put out his cigarette and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, bringing me closer so I could lie my head on his shoulder.

"We talked about the things you and Lucy would talk about." He corrected.

"You guys complain about your periods too?" I asked sarcastically with a smirk to which Johnny rolled his eyes.

"Nah we talked about the male equivalent. How to best deal with our morning wood." He mocked in return.

I cringed at his statement and he laughed. "And what was the conclusion reached?" I asked, knowing I'd probably regret it.

Ghost leaned into my ear. "A good woman." He whispered, his lips curling into a smile.

I immediately went red in the face, stiffening up, warranting an even louder laugh from Johnny.

"Well, I'd best get going. I'll see you later, Ghost. And Y/n, you still owe me that dinner!" He smiled, taking his leave.

"Were you really talking about that?" I asked again, wanting that clarification.

"We were." He confirmed, patting my thigh lightly. "Come. We should go back in too, Cap requested to see us while you were asleep."

After leaving the garden, we went straight to Price's office, who was inspecting the numerous documents that were sprawled across his desk.

"Sir." Ghost spoke, alerting him of our presence before saluting.

"Hey, Price." I smiled, closing the door behind me, garnering narrow eyes from Ghost for forgoing the honorifics.

"At ease, Lieutenant. Hi, sweetheart." He smiled, looking up from his papers. Then Ghost relaxed.

"How are you both feeling?" He asked.

"We're good. Healing up." I replied, sitting down on the chair.

"I'm glad to hear. Please Lieutenant, sit down." Price said, sitting down behind his desk and Ghost following suit, sitting beside me.

"As you both know, currently you are medically unfit to operate on the field. Lieutenant, your briefings and reports await you in your office for when you are ready. Y/n... your situation is a little more complex." He explained. "You've proven to be one of our best field agents, and sharpshooters. An opportunity has arisen-" He started.

"I'll take it." I said assuringly. "I can't stay here. I'm going insane."

"It's not that simple, Y/n. You work under command. The Lieutenant's command, to be specific." Price sighed. "The weapons acquired has garnered the attention of the Mafia. A source has defected from their ranks and is willing to expose more information that will be of use to us. We have organised a meet. But we are currently in need of a sniper. Right in your wheelhouse. We just need the Lieutenant's go-ahead." He spoke stiffly, turning his attention to Ghost.

"Negative. I won't allow it." He said blatantly.

"What? Why not?" I questioned.

"I can assure you Lieutenant, it's low risk, high reward. She just has to keep her eye on the target and take the shot if authorised to." Price reaffirmed.

"I do not give my permission." Ghost reiterated, standing up. "If that is all-"

"No, that's not all. Why the fuck not?" I hissed, standing up as well and grabbing my crutch.

"Y/n. He is your superior-"

"And I'm my own person! I can do this!" I pleaded. "You're the Captain, Price, surely you can override this."

"I can't. It falls under the Lieutenant's private responsibility." Price sighed.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me.." I grumbled. "Ghost, let me do this. I'm perfectly capable."

"My decision on this is final, woman. You are not medically cleared. You can barely keep yourself upright. You pose a risk to this mission more than a support." He said firmly.

"Because I'm a hindrance, right? Hell, I shouldn't even be here." I kissed my teeth at the realisation with a smile. "You know what? Fuck you. You think you're so smart. If you hadn't driven us into a wall in the first place we wouldn't even need to have this fucking conversation." I challenged, making my way to the door.

"And Price? Kneeling like a dog is not a good look on you." I added before taking my leave.

Fuck me.

Was that a little too far? Maybe. But he wouldn't even discuss it with me. I know my limits, he doesn't. This is important to me.

I barge back into my room and slam the door shut behind me in anger.

I sat down on my bed, my head in my hands.

Where is he?

Why didn't he come after me?

Please, chase after me.

Give me what I want.

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