71 - Hidden Gaze

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Juliet and I practically talked well into the night, half waiting for our men to show back up but also just enjoying eachothers company.

"K-Kitten!" Ghost called out, stumbling into the room with Mikhail's arm around him.

"Shuuuushh.. мой дорогой (my dear) can not know!" Mikhail urged.

"Oh my love.." I sighed, standing up. "I'm so sorry about this. He's a heavy drinker, must have raided your liquor stash." I explained, but Juliet stood with me.

"No, I'm sorry, you're guests here! My husband should know well to not act in such a manner." She frowned.

"Juliet! I-I'm fineee.." Mikhail slurred, letting go of Ghost and tripping over into his wife. "We were ha-ha-.." He started, Juliet embracing him.

"Having fun?" She finished to which he nodded. "Da."

"Thank you for accompanying me tonight, Y/n. It was a pleasure. We'll wake you for breakfast in the morning." Juliet smiled, carrying Mikhail off upstairs.

"Mm." Ghost grumbled, his eyes narrowing at me. "Come here. Now." He spoke in a furious but low tone. Although, I couldn't take it seriously with his drunken manner.

"Yes sir." I smiled, approaching him. Before I could even do or say anything, he wrapped his strong arms around me and pulled me into a tight embrace. I was met with the lingering scent of whiskey and tobacco once more, a smell that was becoming a comfort to me.

We stayed there for a moment, just appreciating eachother before I broke away to look up at him slightly. "Let's get some sleep, love. We need it." I suggested.

"Hm." He contemplated for a moment. "I-I really like you." He commented, looking down at me.

"Oh yeah? No longer love me?" I asked, running my hands through my hair.

"Oh, yes. That wooord. I forgot." He said, half embarrassed. "I loooove you." He cooed, placing his forehead against mine.

"I love you too." I replied, leaning up and pecking his forehead. "Let's go upstairs."

~ The Next Morning ~

I was the first to get up, which was a surprise. Maybe it was the jetlag, or the unfamiliarity of the place. It was nearing noon too, and there was no early bird call. Sitting up, I looked down at Ghost whose arm was loosely laid over my body.

"Simon. Its time to get up now." I spoke quietly, shaking him lightly. Ghost let out a low grumble before moving his head into my lap, holding my waist.

I let out a sigh, raking my fingers through his hair. "You got drunk on purpose, didn't you?" I mumbled.

"When is it ever accidental?" He sighed, looking up me. "I got the information I needed, in exchange for this fucking Migraine."

"So are we going to tell her? Juliet? That while she's helping us, her husband is helping them?" I asked curiously.

Ghost thought for a moment. "No. She may already know, and if she doesn't, it's not our place to say." He instructed, getting up. "We leave soon. Get prepared."

"Where we heading after?"

"Into the city. To do your favourite activity. Shopping." He smirked.

"For lingerie? Or for our cause?" I questioned.


~ At Breakfast ~

"I hope Mikhail didn't talk your ear off." Juliet laughed, handing Ghost a mug of black coffee.

"Not at all." Ghost mumbled.

"Good. Because he did me. Didn't sleep until late." She grinned, handing me some tea but I was a little too preoccupied with Marianne in my lap.

"She's taken a liking to you. Maybe you could babysit her for another day." Juliet smiled, taking a seat.

"Oh, I would love that. But duty calls, and I have to answer." I sighed, holding Marianne as she fiddled with my fingers.

I then put her back in her high chair to enjoy the tea brewed.

After breakfast, we were all packed and ready. Thankfully, Ghost did think ahead and there was a car waiting for us. I was not about to walk into the city.

"Mikhail would give his wishes but he is out on the fields. Thanks again for staying!" Juliet smiled, giving me a quick hug.

"Thank you for having us." I smiled in return. "And I'll miss this little dolly too." I teased, leaving a kiss on Marianne's forehead who was waving goodbye.

Ghost and I got settled in our car which was standard, and unflashy, perfect for our circumstances.

"You think he didn't show because he's in cahoots with the Syndicate?" I asked as Ghost turned on the ignition.

"It's safe to assume, yes. We'll drive around for a bit, drop any tails before heading to our destination." He instructed before driving off.

It was yet again, another long trip. We must had been driving for hours because by the time we reached our next destination, the sun was setting. But our next lodging was definitely nothing to frown at. It was a very glamorous hotel with a fountain out front and beautiful architecture.

"This was an emergency purchase?" I questioned as he pulled in.

"Difficult to find lodging last minute." He smirked, stepping out of the car and handing the keys over. The door was opened for me by a hotel staff who helped me out of the car. It was a good thing we were both in plain clothes. Ghost very graciously held his arm out to me which I hooked as he led me to the reception counter.

"Name." The staff instructed.

"Alexander Popov." Ghost answered before being handed two keys.

"Enjoy your stay, Mr. Popov, Ma'am." The staff smiled.

"Alexander Popov?" I teased as he called for the elevator.

"It was the ID given to me." He sighed, shaking his head at my amusement.

Once we were in our hotel room, which was extremely luxurious, I immediately faceplanted into the bed. The theme was gold and sparkles, looking like it was fit for royalty. Something I could definitely get used to, especially the way I just sank into the bed.

"Tired already?" Ghost asked, opening the door and bringing our luggage inside. But I only let out a low grumble. I heard footsteps approach me and then stop. There was a moment of silence before he spanked my ass.

I turned my head on the side to face him. "And what was that for?" I questioned as he sat down beside me, placing his strong hand on one of my ass cheeks and rubbing it.

"To wake you up." He smirked. "Get up, kitten. We have things to do." He instructed, pinching my ass now.

"Okay, okay." I groaned, swatting his hand away and sitting up. "Where we off to now?" I questioned.

"Shopping. Let's go." He answered shortly, grabbing my hand.

Infatuation (18+) | Ghost X ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon