69 - Daredevil

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We were all packed and ready. Ghost scolded me for taking a large suitcase but for going halfway across the world, it wasn't near enough.

"Call me when you get there!" Lucy frowned, giving me a hug.

"She can't call! It's a confidential mission." Hope sighed, shaking her head.

"We'll be tracking your move, making sure you get there safely." Angelina reassured.

"Don't worry Luce, I'll be fine. And I'll be back soon enough." I hugged her back and said my goodbyes to the rest of them.

I approached Ghost who was standing near the plane with his arms crossed. "The whole point of a confidential, off the books operation is that it stays confidential and off the books." He sighed in disapproval.

"Don't be like that." I smiled and rolled my eyes, hitting him on the shoulder lightly. "Besides.. I might have told-"

"Vixen!" Johnny yelled, running up to us with Konig.

Ghost let out an exagerrative breath. "Keep it quick, Soap." He muttered.

"Roger that LT!" He smiled, giving me a quick hug. "If you need backup, I'd love a nice holiday in Europe!" He teased.

"If only it were that easy." I smiled, returning the hug. Then my attention landed on Konig. "Keep Luce safe." I spoke bluntly.

Konig scoffed. "Don't fuck it up." He grumbled, before stepping to the Lieutenant. "Have a safe trip, Lieutenant."

"Gonna give him a goodbye kiss too?" I retorted with a scoff of my own, garnering a glare from both of them.

"Let's go. There's no time to waste." Ghost mumbled, grabbing my hand. I waved to them all as we got onto the plane.

It was a great plane. Near enough a private jet, just more low key.

"Just us?" I asked curiously, checking out the seats.

"Mhm." He answered, placing his backpack on the seat.

"How long?"

"About 8 hours."

A smirk slid across my face. "I best get comfortable then." I gleamed, sitting down in the seat closest to the window. "Come, join me." I smiled, patting the seat next to me.

Ghost complied and sat down beside me. Immediately, I put the arm rest up that was separating us and lied my head down on his lap, bringing my legs up so I was practically curled onto a ball.

Ghost sighed quietly, running his fingers through my hair. "Don't get comfortable just yet. We need to hear the airplane protocol, and have our belts on while we lift off." He explained, with the air hostess arriving on cue.

"Good afternoon." She smiled. "As you two will be the only passengers flying with us, I will try to be quick with the protocol." She instructed as I sat up to listen.

The air hostess ran through the regular emergency protocols and how the plan works, etc.

Most of it was common sense but it was her job so I did follow along with her demonstrations.

"If you have any questions, I will be in the cabin. Feel free to buzz the intercom if you have any requests." She added before taking her leave.

I clipped in the seatbelt and looked out the window as we lifted off. "You a religious man?"

"God ain't saving me, if that's what you're wanting to pray for." Ghost mumbled in return to which I smiled.

"God will, for me." I teased. I waited for the seatbelt light to turn off before unclipping it.

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