85 - Closure

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TW - NSFW/gore

I did get stopped a couple times in my attempt to leave the party. Many asking if I was okay. And I was more than okay. I just needed a moment to myself, to really think. Somehow I managed to evade them and make it outside into the garden, surrounded by blooming flowers as I peered over the small balcony that oversaw the pond.

It was quiet and serene, calm and cooling. Something much needed after a couple hours of dancing. Then I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder.

"I thought I told you I would-" I started with a sigh, turning around to face whom I assumed was Ghost. I was so wrong to assume.

"Shhh~ don't make a noise, маленькая птица (little bird). There's a lot of people to kill in there~" Melynk cooed, looking down at the fishes swimming in the pond.

"Ma'am?" A soldier called out from behind us.

Melynk glared at me. A warning to not speak. I let out a shaky breath, hearing the soldier step forward in confusion.

"Don't.. " I whispered with a frown.

"Ma'am..?" The soldier repeated in concern. Melynk turned his head to look at the soldier.

"Nothing to see here. Go back inside." He instructed bluntly with a half smile. But the soldier didn't buy it, it only raised further alarm.

"S-Sir, I'm going to need you to-" the soldier started but was immediately cut off with a single jerk. I dared not look. I smelled the gun powder. I dared not make a sound and bring another innocent to their death.

"WOO! Clean right through the skull! Now how's that for mercy?" Melynk grinned, turning me to face him. "Don't cry, your vision will get blurry, and you've already lost so much." He pouted playfully before dropping his expression for a more serious one. "On your knees." He commanded, pointing the gun at me.

"W-what do you want?" I questioned, taking a small step back from him. Now I could see him fully. A mechanical arm that had his gun attached and a metal leg to support him. With enough force I could-

"I want you on your fucking knees. And don't try anything, you know better not to." He warned, stepping closer. "You have a lot to protect, a lot to lose. And conveniently, all in this building. So don't think. Just do." He beckoned.

I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment, trying to evade even glancing at the soldiers body who's blood now decorated the stone. With a slow nod, I obeyed his command, getting on my knees which left a cheeky smirk on his face.

"Now was that so hard?" He teased, first holding the gun to my head and then hitting me across the face with it.

"Fuck!" I cursed, glaring back at him as I spat blood out. He bursted out into laughter at the sight.

"It wasn't suppose to be anything personal. It's a job, and I'm getting paid so, so much just to kill you. If the world knew how much you're worth you wouldn't be safe anywhere." He grinned, dragging the barrel of the gun across my bruised cheek.

"If you're going to kill me then fucking do it. Get the job fucking done and leave everyone else alone." I hissed, attempting to reach for my knives. But he knew, too quick.

And he fired, aimed at my hand. I barely pulled away, the bullet grazing the side of my hand as it shot out blood. I couldn't scream, but I felt the tears rolling down my face as I slowly lifted my hand up in front of my face. It was split open, bullet fragments stuck. And it was fucking painful.

"Tch. I was wrong. You don't know any better." He grumbled, shaking his head. "I'm getting this done. Let's try to make this painless. I want to leave something recognisable for your family to bury."

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