a "deadly" surprise

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this is for StilesandYoMomma


It was dark.

It was quiet.

And I was freaking out.

Why was it so dark? Where am I? Why am I here?

  I think I'm sitting up, I can't really even see my body. My eyes are sort of just traveling around the room, like I'm in a dream. I can see and hear, but I can't feel my body, much less know if it's even here.

  There wasn't much point of this anyways, it's not like I knew where to go. This placed seemed like an eternal emptiness.

  Suddenly, a ringing noise pierced my head, making me cringe. It hurt to listen to it, but I couldn't put my hands over my ears to stop it. It just kept getting louder, and louder.

  Then just like that, the room went white, like someone had finally turned the lights on.

  It was too bright though, causing my eyes to squint and wince at the burning feeling on my pupils.

  I tried to blink to adjust them, while I could again feel my body. It was heavy though. It was exhausting to try to lift my arms, or move my legs.

  My eyes finally began to adjust, dimming the light slightly. I was in a white room,  just not as white as before. I could feel fabric draped over me and multiple points in my arm we're currently being stabbed with needles. Maybe just one?

  I shifted slightly in place, feeling I was on a mattress, and uncomfortable one at that. I blinked fully now, able to completely open my eyes to see the entire room.

  I recognized the typical hospital room, seeing the wooden door, the cheap TV, and the monitors by my side.

I didn't hear any noise from the monitor, the line on screen having no blips or jumps.

  Was I dead? Why was my heart not beating?

  As soon as I started freaking out, the line jumped to life, making frequent zig zags, mimicking my heart beat.

  I began sweating as I saw the multiple wires leading up to my arms, entering them through small needles and drawing thick red lines through them.

  "What the hell?!" I heard a shout, my head snapping to the direction of the voice. I saw a man in a doctors coat, his face full of surprise and fear.

"Y-you're.. You were dead!" He yelled, before his eyes rolled to the back of his head, his body collapsing to the ground.

  My eyes widened. I was dead?!

I heard more quick footsteps, seeing a nurse appear at the doorway. But not just any nurse-


I took a deep breath at the familiar face, almost smiling at the sight. But she wasn't. She almost looked as freaked out as the doctor.

  "Holland?" She whispered, tilting her head as she stepped over the passed out doctor, towards me.

  I nodded in relief, quickly letting her know.

  "Oh my god." She let out, her small hand covering her mouth after she did. Tears developed in her eyes.

  "You're alive." She happily cried, dropping her hand.

  I nodded, tears in my eyes as well and soon, Melissa's arms were around me. She squeezed me and didn't stop, keeping me in her tight grip.

IMAGINES ⌲ stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now