save water and shower with me

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**for the plot of this imagine, you're brother is Scott and you're boyfriend is Stiles. oh, and slight warning: smutty shower**

    Y/N POV

I groaned as I began another paragraph of my essay, and again, Stiles chuckled behind me.

  "What?" I asked, glancing to him as he fiddled with a slinky as he was sprawled across my bed.

"Nothing, you just make that noise every time you start a paragraph." He shrugged, chuckling. I rolled my eyes and looked down at my report rubric.

   "Well, that's because I need some way to let out my dislike for this enormous amount of writing and if I don't I'm a ticking time bomb, full of anger and information for the report." I scoffed. I heard shuffling behind me and I felt Stiles' familiarly large hands on my shoulders as he began to softly rub them. I had to contain every single fiber in my body to hold back any moans.

  "Well, that's because somebody is doing their report a day before it's due, unlike someone who did it earlier." Stiles said, and I could hear the smirk that was on his face by his tone of voice.

"Oh yeah? Well if you're so smart why don't you do this?" I mocked, pointing to my work. Stiles chuckled and nestled his head on my shoulder.

  "I think I'll stick to doing you." He murmured.  I sighed.

"Very appropriate. You really know when and where to place your pick-up lines." I sarcastically nodded. Disregarding me, Stiles started placing soft kisses along my neck, making me squirm as I tried to do my work at the same time, but the pleasurable feeling he was giving me was clouding my senses, making it difficult.

  "Stiles..." I sighed, moving my shoulder to try to get him to stop. "I'm serious, I have to finish this."

   "Fine, fine." He surrendered, backing up. Stiles sighed and began walking out of my room. "I have to shower anyways."

  "I'll take one after you." I said, my eyes still on the computer screen.

"Or- you could take one with me?" Stiles suggested. I scoffed and actually looked to him. The pleading expression on his face almost had me.

  "Someone's horny." I raised an eyebrow, crossing my arms. Stiles smirked and shrugged.

"Come on. You have to take one anyway. Better take it now, rather then at 2 in the morning when you're exhausted and can't even lift yourself out of that chair." He argued. I sighed and looked to my report, then the time. He was right. Even though he just wanted to see me naked, his reasoning was all there. If I didn't take one now, I never would. I'd be too tired.

  "But-" I added, making him roll his eyes. "What if Scott gets back? You know how he gets with you just here at the house. If he finds you in the shower-"

  "He won't. He doesn't get back until 10. He's out with Kira all night." Stiles insisted back. I slumped, defeated.

  "Now get off your cute little ass and come save water and shower with me." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes and stood up, walking over to him. Stiles clasped his hand around mine as we walked into the bathroom. I couldn't help but giggle at the slight bounce in Stiles' footsteps as I shut the door behind us.

   As soon as I turned around, Stiles' lips were on mine. I let out my moan and immediately ran my fingers through his hair. In return, Stiles let out a moan of his own and placed his hands on my back as he moved me closer to his body.

   "God, I need you." He moaned to me, his hands gripping at my clothes hungrily. I smirked and dropped my hands to the hem of his shirt and began to pull it up. He complied and stripped it off, before ripping off his belt and dragging his pants down his legs then stepping out of them. Stiles stepped back to me and quickly took off my shirt, his hands slowly running down the sides of my body until his fingers hooked around the belt loops of my shorts. I grinned and unbuttoned them, taking them off as well. Stiles gazed at my body, before his eyes met with mine again.

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