Chapter 1- My name is Meiko Watanabe

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Meiko's story -

I don't know where I was born, I never knew my parents and as far as I can remember, I grew up living in an orphanage, going to school everyday of the week and going to my senior year at high school.

At least, that's what I thought I was doing until I was falsely accused of selling myself and kicked out, now I'm working my ass off painting this fragment of a dream.

I work at a cafe that's around the corner from the movie theater, I don't have any brothers or sisters and the people of the orphanage were like family to me, the kids were playful and friendly with me, but on top of that I was born with nothing.

I left the orphanage and started living on my own in an apartment right after I turned 20, that was four years ago.

My coworker told me to take table 3 and I did as I was told.

I walked over to table 3 and I saw this beautiful man with long black hair, he had sunglasses on and didn't say much of anything except he just wanted some coffee, I took his order and walked away.

Then I came back and I gave him his coffee, then I asked him, "Do you want anything else?"

He told me, "No that will be all, thank you." I bow my head and walked away assisting other customers.

I went back to table 3 and saw that he left me a tip but I didn't see the man who just wanted some coffee, a part of me wanted to ask his name but another part of me didn't have the guts to ask him anything, so at the end of my shift I went back to my
apartment hoping that I will see that same man again.

The next day after work, I went to the super market to buy some food that I needed for my apartment and then out of nowhere a group of guys came up demanding me to give them some money.

They said to me, "Hand over your purse little girl and nobody gets hurt."

And I said, "No! I'm not giving you guys anything!"

Then they pulled out their pocket knives and was going to stab me with them until some guy dressed in black showed up out of nowhere and starting kicking their asses from side to side, then he pulled out his gun and said, "Unless you value your lives, you leave this young lady alone."

They asked, "Oh yeah?! What are you gonna do if we don't, old man?"

The man in black got totally pissed off when he heard the word "old man" and point his gun at the sky and shoots it, making the group of guys wet their pants. Haha!

The man in black said, "Now you listen to me! To you I maybe old, but I'll have you know, I'm a young 36 year old man with black hair and black clothes on, I have a black sword and a black gun in hand with black bullets and both of them will have all of you swimming in a pool of black bloody water, Do you want one of them?!"

One of those group of men said, "Oh my God! This dude ain't jokin around, he's dead serious! "

Another one said, "This dude is sick, let's get the hell outta here! "

They ran like a group of bats out of hell fearing for their lives.


I asked myself, "Jesus Christ! What got him all fired up?"

And he turned around and looked at me, he asked me,"Are you okay?"

And I said,"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for...hey wait a minute! You're the guy from yesterday!"

He said,"And you're the young lady from the cafe."

I stared at him for a bit and looked down at my feet blushing.

"Are you okay?" He asked again.

"Yeah, I'm okay, I gotta go, thanks." I said as bow down to him and ran to my apartment as fast as I could.

I got out my key, unlocked my door and made my way inside, shut the door behind me and locked it.

Just when I was putting the food away, I told myself, "He's so beautiful and so hot..."

I was making myself blush.

I put the food away and I went to my room and got on my computer.

While I was on my computer heard a knocked on my door, I went to go answer it but there was nobody there except a bouquet of flowers that was left on my door's step, it didn't say who's it from so I brought them inside and put them in a vase.

Then I got the thinking that it was that man in black who saved me, still hoping that I would see him again.

The man in black's story -

I stood outside of her apartment hoping that she would get the bouquet of Roses that I sent her.

I stood out there for a bit and waited for her to come out to the balcony so that I could see her but she never came.

"My Lord, we must get going." Tanaka said.

"Very well, let's go." I said.

I got into my limousine with Tanaka driving me home.

"You have your eyes set on that young lady for quite a while my Lord." He said.

I said nothing and gazed at the window of my limousine, but in my mind she looked so lonely.

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