Chapter 85-Natalia's Timbuktu tale part 1

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Sunday 4/17th/16 1:55am

"Natalia, could you come downstairs for sec please?" I heard Lord Kamijo said.

"Did Lord Masashi came back?" I asked as I came downstairs.

"He told us to tell you that he went to Timbuktu and he won't be back for sometime, he didn't say when he'll back." Lord Kamijo said.

"What? He went to Timbuktu without me?!" I asked.

"He said he's on a business trip and he doesn't want you to follow him." Lord Kamijo said.

"The hell he did, I'm going over there even if I had to hish hike all the way up there to be with him, I'm coming my beloved Masashi, Timbuktu or bust!" I shouted as I ran out of the castle.

I ran all the way to Tokyo station and I just realized I didn't have enough money to afford a ticket so I couldn't board the train.

"Dammit! How in the hell am I suppose to get to Timbuktu?" I asked myself.

Then I got the thinking on how am I getting to Timbuktu, then my only thought was walking all the way to Sendai while hitch hiking.

I walked and walked all the way to Sendai, it was late and night time turned to day time.

It took me forever to get there and my legs was given out on me.

I sat on a near by bench and pulled out my wallet.

I noticed I only had a little bit of money to get me something to eat and wasn't enough to afford a train ticket or an airplane ticket to get to Timbuktu.

I was shit out of luck and I lost my job, I escaped from those damn mergions and took what little bit of money they had.

Natalia's flash back -

"Hey girl, wake the hell up!" The man said as he kicked me.

"You are gonna makeus a whole wod of cash, so you better makeus looke good, ¿comprende? Now get your ass out there and dance for us. " He said as he kicked me in my ass.

I went outside of the tent and saw a whole lot of people looking for me to dance for them.

I heard one dude shouted, "Shake your money maker sexy!"

When he said that I was so ashamed.

Then the music started playing and I started dancing.

I used every dance move I came up with, I came up a free style dance move and as I was free styling, I thought of a plan to take of the mergion's money and get as far away from them as possible.

When the crowd was throwing their money at me, the mergions was going to take them from me, but I fought back, using every self defense move that I had, knocking everybody out cold and took their money.

"You dick headed pussies, my work is done, now I'm gonna get my revenge on a certain somebody I know." I said to them as I made my escape.

Back to Natalia's story -

I went to the store and bought some snacks to take with me to Timbuktu, it wasn't much and I had to buy anything I can afford.

I walked over to sendai train station and I saw some workers loading some surplise on the train.

"Excues me, where is that train going?" I asked as I walked up to the conductor of the train.

"That's going to Timbuktu, we're sending supplies and merchandises over seas.

"Can I board that train? You see, I'm along way from home and I don't have any money to afford a ticket, I lost my job and home and I'm completely homeless. So I beg you kind sir, can I please board that train?" I asked.

The conductor looked at me with tears in his eyes as he got out his hinkerchif and started sobbing.

"My dear girl, hearing stuff like that makes a grown man cry, in fact, it makes everybody cry, even the workers here." He said.

I looked around and I saw everybody crying over my sad sob story.

"We feel so sorry for you young lady!" They said.

"Um, thank you, so can I board that train?" I asked the conductor.

"My dear girl, of course you can, hop aboard." He said.

"Thank you very much." I said as I bow down to him and got on the train.

I scored of getting on board the train without paying for a ticket, it was my lucky day and I was going to quit because I couldn't afford a ticket to get on an actual train.

It took me about three days or more to get to Timbuktu, but who the hell knows.

I was trying to get to there to be with Lord Masashi.


The definition of Sendai:

Sendai (仙台市 Sendai-shi ?) is the capital city of MiyagiPrefecture, Japan, and the largestcity in the Tōhoku region, and the second largest city north of Tokyo.


There's more, stay tuned for the next chapter of Natalia's tale in Timbuktu of The Dark Knight Prince Masashi.

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