Chapter 71- the Bahamas part 5

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Masashi's story -

4/14th/16,Thursday morning.

I woke up and I lighted up my cigarette while thinking about what Kamijo and the others are up to.

Knowing Yuki, he and Jenny are probably having sex.

Not that it's none of my business, I can get why he has a thing her and both of them are all the way in Japan and me and Meiko are all the way here.

I looked at her and she was still sleeping, I took a puff of my cigarette and changed my position to my right side.

I laid my cigarette on the ash tray and felt a hand touched my back, I turned over and it was Meiko.

"Morning my prince." She said.

"Good morning princess." I said.

"I had fun last night." Meiko said.

"Of course you did, you kept falling asleep after doing it." I said as I poked her cute cheek. Haha!

"Yeah well, I enjoyed it." Meiko said.

I leaned over to her and kissed her.

Later that day, we walked around the city, I took Meiko another one of those expensive restaurant just like one back home.

Then we started sight seeing again and went back to the beach.

"Masashi, I wonder how Kamijo and the others are doing." Meiko said.

"I wonder the same thing, I hope no unfortunate mishap happened at the castle the whole time we're over here." I said.

"Speaking of which, when are we going back home?" Meiko asked.

"Hmm, that depends, do you want to go home?" I asked.

"Well, you planned this trip for me right out of the blue and it feels like that we just got here." Meiko said.

"So you don't want to leave?" I asked.

I can see the look that Meiko had on her face, she wasn't sure about leaving the Bahamas.

"We can stay as long as you want." I said.

"I don't want to keep you here with me if you want to go back home." Meiko said.

The way she sounded and the way she looked, she looked so sad.

"Oh no, you're not keeping me here, I was just saying we can leave whenever you get ready, I'll have the jet plane ready for us and we'll go home." I said.

"Can we leave tomorrow morning?" Meiko asked.

"Of course we can." I answered.

"Still, I hope nothing happened by the time we get back there." I said to myself.

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