Chapter 91

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Meiko's story continues -

After breakfast, Kamijo was teaching me how to sing some of his songs.

"You're doing much better." He said.

"WOOO! It's hard work." I said.

"Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it, keep practicing on it." Kamijo said.

"Right." I said.

And I did, I practice all morning and all afternoon, until Masashi stopped me and told me to take a break.

"Here, have some tea." He said as he offered me a cuppa tea.

"Thanks." I said.

"I can't believe you've been practicing Kamijo's songs all day." Masashi said.

"I asked him can I sing with him on Monday." I said.

"Really? What's happening on Monday?" Masashi asked.

"Oh you'll see, just wait." I said.

"Can you tell me?" Masashi asked.

"Monday my handsome prince, Monday." I said as I gave him my tea cup, threw my arms around his neck and kissed his forehead.

Then I ran off to go practice some more.

Masashi's story -

"Well I can't say I deserved that, she won't tell me a thing." I said to myself as I watched her leave the dining room.

I looked at the empty cup and thought about Monday, sure my birthday falls on it, but what's happening on that day it's what puzzled me.

"My Lord, are you drinking tea by yourself?" Tanaka asked.

"No, Meiko was just here with me, but she left to go practice Kamijo's song." I said.

"Oh I see." Tanaka said.

"Tanaka, you wouldn't happen to know why she's practicing Kamijo's song would you?" I asked.

"Oh no my Lord, I do not know why lady Meiko is practing his song." Tanaka said.

"Hmm! Oh well, I'll just wait that's all, but for how long?" I asked.

Then I left the dining room, leaving Tanaka in there.

I spent the whole afternoon, watching Meiko practice Kamijo's songs as I thought about my birthday and what she had planned for it.

I was so determined to find out what she's going to do on my birthday, I had to wait on Monday to find out.

15 minutes later, I got bored and went upstairs to my office and started roaming around on my laptop computer.

I lit up my cigarette and Googled porn pictures and videos.

Why I was looking at stuff like that? It puts me the mood and as I felt my dick getting hard, I felt like masturbating.

I took a puff of my cigarette and sat it on my ash tray, then I unzipped my pants and pulled out my thick hard dick.

I started looking at the video on the internet as I saw a man and a woman f*cking each other and I started masturbating as I watched the video.

I started moaning a bit as I started to climax.

"Ah shit, yes! Cum, cum, cum!" I said to myself as I felt myself cumming while masturbating long and fast.

As I came, I got tired and weak, apart of me wanted to masturbating some more since I was so bored but I didn't have the energy.

I took another puff of my cigarette and put it out, then I laid my head down on my desk and fell asleep.

As I was sleeping, I heard Meiko's voice in my sleep.

"Masashi, Masashi wake up." She said.

I woke up with a blurry vision in my eyes as I looked and saw Meiko standing in front of me.

"What is it babe?" I asked her.

"It's time for dinner." She said.

"Okay, let me go to the bathroom to wash my hands." I said.

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you." Meiko said as she left the office.

I got from my chair and looked down at my pants and noticed that I got my dick out from masturbating, I put it back in and left my office to go the bathroom to wash my hands and go downstairs for dinner.

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