Chapter 30

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Masashi's story continues-

"There! That ought to do it, I recommend you to stay off it for a while, give it at least two or three days for it to heal and you'll be able to walk again." The doctor said.

"I will, thank you doctor." Meiko said.

The doctor nodded his head and turned his attention onto me.

"You take care of this young lady my lord, she's too precious for you to be hurting her." He said.

"You old quack!" I called him.

"Don't you worry doctor, lord Masashi will take good care of lady Meiko and I'll see to that he does a good job as such." Kamijo said as he put his hands on his shoulders, protecting him from me and walked him to the door.

"Have a nice day doctor." Kamijo said.

"Thank you, you do the same." He said.

Kamijo shut the door and turned around and saw me standing right in front of him furious.

"What?" He said.

I opened the door and pushed him out of my room so me and Meiko can be alone.

"I'll deal with you later, but right now, go home!" I said to him as I slammed the door at his face again.

"You know, you didn't have to be so mean to him." Meiko said.

I walked up to her and hugged her.

"I'm so sorry, I should've caught you in time." I said.

"It's not your fault, I was the one that was careless just like you said, I should've pay attention to where I was going." Meiko said.

I pulled away from her and looked her.

"I'm going to the bathroom and change clothes" I said.

"Okay." She said.

I got up, I went to my dresser and got some clothes, then I went the bathroom and I looked back at Meiko and her sprained ankle, I closed my eyes as I turned my head and went inside the bathroom, leaving Meiko feeling like she felt sorry for me.

Meiko's story -

As I watched Masashi go to the bathroom, I couldn't help but wonder if he's okay, the way he looked at me, he looked so sad, I want to follow him to bathroom but the doctor told me to stay off my ankle.

While I was staring at the bathroom doorway, I didn't hear him say anything, I didn't even hear him move around in there, all I did was sat on the bed and wait for him, apart of me wants to go in there and see if he's okay but the doctor told me about my ankle.

Then I heard a sob coming from the bathroom, it sounded like Masashi's sobs, determined as I was, I ignored the doctor's orders and got up off the bed with my bad ankle, then started limping towards the bathroom.

"Ouch it hurts!" I said to myself as I limped towards the bathroom.

When I got there, I saw Masashi on his knees to the floor with his back turned.

His robe was still on him and his clothes was on the lid of the toilet seat.

I limped over towards him and saw him crying, tears was rolling down his face, he had his hand over his mouth.

I can tell he was crying because of the way he looked.

I looked at him and I called his name, "Masashi."

He responded to my call and looked at me standing on my bad ankle.

There was anger in his eyes as tears was running down his face.


I was scared, I never seen him so upset before.

"Masashi, I just came in here to see if you're okay." I said.

He didn't say anything, he got up off the floor, picked me up, carried me out of the bathroom and threw me back on the bed.

"STAY THE HELL OFF YOUR ANKLE!" Masashi yelled again.

I looked at him with a sad look, he looked at me with tears in eyes as he broke down crying.

"Oh my God! What have I done?" Masashi asked as he looked at the palms of his hands.

"Masashi." I called him.

He looked at me with tears still in his eyes and the way he looked at me breaks my heart.

I kneel down on the bed, Masashi crawled on it and hugged me.

"Oh Meiko I'm so sorry, I had no idea I was hurting you, please forgive me." He said as he started crying.

I didn't say anything, all I did was rub him on his back as tears was rolling down my face too.

"Oh Masashi." Was all I said to him.

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