Chapter 2- Bull fighting part 1

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The man in black's story continues -

When I got my castle, everybody greeted me home.

"Welcome home my Lord!" They said as they bow down to me.

"Thank you." I said and I went upstairs to my office, Tanaka was right behind me, he came in the office with me and we talked about that young lady I saw at the supermarket.

"My Lord, you did not say anything since you encounter with that young lady you had your eyes on." Tanaka said.

"So, you had me all figured out huh Tanaka?" I asked.

"Why is it you are so focused on that young lady my Lord?" Tanaka asked.

I glanced down at my laptop and said nothing. Except..."That young lady could be the one for me."

"My Lord, how can you say she could be the one for you if you do not know her." Tanaka asked.

"Because she will be a beautiful princess, just right for me." I said.

"But my Lord,you do not even know her name, how can you make her be your princess?" Tanaka asked.

"Don't worry about it and just trust me, it's just a matter of time." I said.

Tanaka stayed silent while he was staring at me, he looked worried, but somewhere in my mind,I can tell he would want me to be happy.

Later that night, I was in my office typing on my laptop, when suddenly, one of my maids came knocking on my door.

"Enter!" I said.

It was Jenny.

"Sorry to interrupt your work my Lord, I brought you some tea." She said.

"That's not a problem, thank you." I said.

"My Lord, may I ask you a question?" Jenny asked.

I looked up at her and said,"Yes, go ahead."

"Tanaka said that you saw a young lady at the supermarket and you said she could be your princess, is that true? Have you found a wife?" Jenny asked.

I looked her in the eyes and said, "Yes, I have."

Jenny was shocked to hear the news.

"So who is she?" She asked.

"Can't say, I saw her twice and never know her name." I said.

"My Lord, you must find this young lady and bring her to the castle, so that both of you can meet face to face." Jenny said.

When she said that, I turned my chair to the wall trying to hide the fact I was blushing.

"My Lord, are you alright?" Jenny asked.

"I'm fine, I just need to be alone." I said.

"Yes, of course." Jenny said as she left my office.

Then I got the thinking about that young lady I saw earlier as I was drinking my tea and said to myself, "I will see her again, I had my eyes on for along time and now I'm determined to make her my princess."

Meiko's story -

The next day, I was on my way to work so that I can take my mind off of what happened yesterday.

I hadn't forgot about that man in black I saw, but apart of me still wished that I could ask him his name, but then again, another part of me still didn't have the guts to ask him anything.

"Meiko, what are you doing here?" My coworker Ayame asked.

"I work here, why you asked " I asked her.

"Today's Thursday, you don't work here on Thursdays, have you forgotten today is your day off?" Ayame asked.

When she asked me that, I totally forgot that Thursday was my day off.

"Right, sorry." I said.

"That's okay, come back here tomorrow, we're gonna need ya." Ayame said.

"Okay, thanks for reminding me." I said.

"No problem,see you tomorrow morning." Ayame said as she waved at me.

I left the cafe and headed back home, when I got to my apartment, my door felt like it had been unlocked like as if somebody had broken in.

I looked around to see was anybody in my apartment, I looked to see everything was there, but just out of nowhere some guy grabbed me from behind and kidnapped me.

I tried to scream for help but he injected me with a needle and I blacked out.

Two hours later,I woke up and found myself in a bull shed with a big ass bull that weighs 1,600-1,700 pounds in it's cage .

"Now why in the hell would they put me in a bull shed with a big ass bull for?! Where the hell am I?!" I asked myself.

I looked around to see was anybody out there, nobody showed up until one man entered the shed and dragged me outside into a ring where they does bull fighting.

Then I heard the announcement came on.

"Welcome, to our 20th annual Bull fighting!" The announcer said.

And that's when I knew, I was a in big arena where they did bull fighting with thousands and thousands of cheering people.

"Are these guys having me to fight a bull?" I asked myself.

"Here we have a beautiful young lady with long black and purple hair as the matador!" The announcer said.

"Yeah, they're having me to fight a bull." I said to myself as I answered my own question.

One man came up and gave me a red cape and a sword.

"Use those to kill the bull with. Good luck!" He said as he walked away.

I stared at the gate and said to myself, "I never fought a bull before."

The bull came out of the gate and it was charging straight at me, I held the cape up to my right side and flagged it away as I tried to get away from it.

I ran all over the place fearing for my life, then I used the sword to defend myself.

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