Chapter 60- Meiko's birthday part 6

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Masashi's story -

I was surprised to find out that Natalia was in the area, working at the cafe and causing trouble.

I looked at Meiko and she doesn't look scared, far as I knew she was enjoying her birthday and that's what I want, I want her to enjoy her birthday and I want to celebrate it with her.

"You look like you're not scared." I said to her.

"Scared of what?" Meiko asked me.

"You know, when we saw Natalia in Kamijo's arms earlier, you don't look like you're scared." I said to her.

"Why'd you say that?" Meiko asked me.

"Well, remember yesterday you were shaken up when Natalia tried to kill you and you were really scared?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, no I'm not scared anymore, to be honest I'm kinda glad she's knocked so that way I can enjoy my birthday in peace without having anymore casualties." Meiko said.

"Oh, well that's good to hear, I'm glad that you're not scared anymore. (Wow! I'm shocked.)" I said to her as I was in my thoughts.

We arrived at the movie theater and bought our tickets.

"Masashi, let's buy some popcorn and two sodas." Meiko said.

"Okay, I'll pay for them." I said.

I bought our popcorn and sodas, we made our way inside the movie room and sat at the front row.

We was watching one of those romantic movies.

I saw everybody in each row hugging and kissing while watching the movie.

I put my arms around Meiko's shoulders and popcorn with her, she leaned her head on my chest as we was sitting there enjoying the movie, I looked at Meiko in the eyes and she looked at me the same way.

"I love you Masashi." She said.

"I love you too." I said.

While we was watching the movie, our lips connected as we kissed passionately.

Later that evening after the movie was over, we went back to the castle.

"I hope the guys are putting your surprise party together like I told them." I said to Meiko.

"What surprise party?" Meiko asked.

"Oh, you'll see." I answered.

I chuckled as opened the door, took Meiko by her hand and turned on all the lights.


Meiko was shocked to see everybody gathered round to wish her a happy birthday.

Jenny ran up to her and hugged her.

"So what do you think about the surprise party?" Hizaki asked he, Kamijo, Yuki, Teru and Zin walked up us.

"Thanks you guys, I had never a surprise party like this before, especially..." Meiko stopped in her tracks as started to shed tears of joy.

Jenny gave her one more hug, Kamijo patted her on her left shoulder.

I knew this was the first time Meiko had so many people cared about her so much, especially when I told everyone to put together a surprise party her because she doesn't have many friends to celebrate her birthday.

I wanted Meiko to be happy, I don't want her alone anymore.

I don't want to be alone anymore.

"Well, what do you think? We did what you told us to." Kamijo said as he put his arm around my shoulders.

"Thanks dude, what you Yuki did with Natalia?" I asked.

"Oh, it's all being taking care of, we sold to some mergion." Kamijo said.

"Great! She's their problem now." I said.

"Alright everybody! Let's get this party started and celebrate Meiko's birthday!" I shouted.

And so we did, we had food drinks, we sang happy birthday to Meiko, we had cake and entertainment.

We got all of our music instrument, I was on bass, Yuki was drums, Teru was guitar, Hizaki was guitar, Kamijo and Zin which places of being the lead vocals and we play all of our songs.

Meiko was have a blast, I know I was the was I playing my bass and we partied through out the entire night until it was over.

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