Chapter 87 Natalia's Timbuktu tale part 3

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"I came on one of those boarding trains that ships surplise and merchandises, I didn't have any money to afford a ticket and I can't go back home." I said.

"Why?" Roku asked.

"Because if I don't have a job and I if go back home, I'll be plotting more ways to win Lord Masashi's heart by getting rid his girlfriend and I know I can't win against either of them, he has five friends and a whole entire army at his castle and it's proof that I know that I can't win." I said.

"Well why not stay here and live with me?" Roku asked.

"Really? Are you sure?" I asked.

"Sure I'm sure, you look like the kind of people who doesn't have any where else to go, so I'm happy take you in." Roku said.

"I'm very flattered, but I'm don't belong here, I'ma Japanese citizen of Tokyo Japan." I said.

"Then move in with me, give up your citizen ship and become a citizen here." Roku said.

"Again, I'm very flattered." I said.
"I'll take good care of you." Roku said.

Later that afternoon, I started writing a letter to Lord Masashi in Tokyo Japan, letting him and everybody know that I quit fighting for him and I'm staying in Timbuktu.

I asked the maids can they take my letter to the mail box.

"If Lord Masashi love that Meiko Watanabe bitch so damn much, she can have him, I don't want him anymore." I said to myself.

Far as I knew, people them deserves each other, I'm done with them.

Then I heard Roku's voice.

"Natalia, since you're new here, I'll take you on a tour around the city." He said.

"Okay." I said.

We went out into the city and Roku took me to some really cool places to check out, seeing a lot of people in Timbuktu made me feel like a real county girl and I'm from the city of Tokyo Japan.

But that was alright, I always wanted to live in the country like Yamagata prefecture of Japan.

We went out shopping and he bought some pretty dresses and shoes, not that I didn't mind him buying all those things for me, it was nice of him.

"I wonder does he have any feelings for me." I said to myself.

"Um..Roku, why did you want me to live here with you?" I asked him.

"You told that you had a crush on your master and you can't go back to Tokyo because you'll be plotting more ways to win his heart and get rid of his girlfriend." He said.

"Well yeah, and he has five friends and an army of guards, so I can't win against them and even if I do win my master over it won't make any difference, because he'll tell everybody I what did in the past before I started serving him." I said.

"What did you in the past?" Roku asked.

"I was in an abusive relationship with my boyfriend and he cheated on me with my best friend, I killed him for two reasons, one, he'd slapped me and beat me up badly, two, I saw him and my best friend having sex, he said if I break up with him he'll kill me, so I told him that I was breaking up with him because he abused me and cheated on me, he pulled out his gun and held me gun point, my ex best friend saw the whole thing she tried to knock the gun off his hand but he turned it towards her and I killed him in self defense, then I turned to my ex best friend and punched her in her face without killing her for sleeping my ex boyfriend." I said.

"What happened to your ex boyfriend's body?" Roku asked.

"The cops came to his house and took his body away and for me and my ex best friend, we never saw each other eye to eye and apart of me wants to make her pay for stealing my boyfriend from me but I couldn't kill her and I ended up serving the great dark knight Prince Lord Miwa Masashi." I said.

"How long have you been serving him?" Roku asked.

"I've been serving him for a year in half and I've been trying to get his attention for along time but he blew me off." I said.

"I see." Roku said.

"Yeah and that's the gist of it and something told me that I'm wasting my time fighting to get him to make me his girlfriend, I mean hell, he threw me in the dungeon, kicked me out of the castle, sold me to auction and then some, now he tricked me into thinking that he was here on a business trip and as long as he got his friends and his army to guard his back and as long as his girlfriend is there with him, it's proof that I can't win against him, so what's the point of fighting for him?" I asked.

"Do you want my opinion?" Roku asked.

"Sure." I answered.

"This Lord Miwa Masashi character is not worth fighting for, if he blew you off just because you were trying to get his attention than that means he shouldn't be worthy of you at all and that's the golden truth. At least that's my opinion." Roku said.

The definition of Yamagata prefecture :

Yamagata Prefecture (山形県Yamagata-ken ?) is a prefecture of Japan located in the Tōhoku region on Honshu island. Its capital is Yamagata.

Field Marshal Prince Yamagata Aritomo (山縣 有朋 ?, June 14, 1838 - February 1, 1922), also known as Yamagata Kyōsuke, was a field marshal in the Imperial Japanese Army and twice Prime Minister of Japan. He is considered one of the architects of the military and political foundations of early modern Japan.


There's more to come, stay tuned for the next chapter.

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