Chapter 63

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Masashi's story continues -

7:00am, 4/13th/2016.

It's Wednesday morning and I was just waking up.

I looked at Meiko and saw that she was still sleeping.

I looked at my clock and started thinking "what time did we go to bed last night?"

Not that it matters, I just wanted to know, when I pulled back the blanket, I noticed that I was naked and I looked at Meiko and saw that she was naked too.

It made me remember one thing, we had sex last night and I didn't used a condom.

I got out of bed without waking up Meiko, I put on my robe and walked out of my room.

I walked down the hallway to Jenny's room to see if Yuki was there, I knocked on the door.

"Yuki, Jenny." I called them.

I couldn't get no answer, so I  opened the door and peeked inside the room, neither Jenny or Yuki was in there, I went downstairs and made my way to dining room, just when I entered the dining room, I saw Yuki and Jenny kissing, they turned their heads and saw me.

"Well, well, well, what's going on in here?" I asked them while raising my eyebrow and crossing my arms.

"Masashi! Eh...uh...we...uh..." Yuki said as he started stuttering.

He looked so cute when stuttered.

"Huh? What did you say? I can't hear you, you're stuttering too bad dude." I said.

"Hey...uh...Masashi...uh..." Yuki was still stuttering.

"How, now, brown cow!" I shouted as I started messing with him.

Yuki got mad at me.

"Oh real funny Masashi, who are you calling a brown cow?" He asked.

"You foo!" I answered.

"Lord Masashi, It's not what it looks like, we was having breakfast and lord Yuki came on to me too strong and too fast and we started kissing." Jenny said.

"Uh, yeah and we made you and Meiko a breakfast tray." Yuki said as he handed me a tray of food.

I looked at them and started chuckling.

"You two are so cute, looking all scared and embarrassed." I said.

They looked at me surprisingly as I turned around to the opposite direction.

"Carry on." I said to them as left the dining room and went upstairs to my room, leaving Yuki and Jenny confused and relieved.

"Meiko, it's time to wake up baby girl." I said while sounding so sweet towards her.

And just when I opened the door, I saw Meiko changing the all of bed covers.

"Oh, Masashi." She said.

"You didn't have to do that, I was going to have the maids to change those for us." I said as I walked inside and sat the tray on the table.

"I know, but I wanted to surprise you." Meiko said.

When she said that, I can tell that she was being nice and helpful as I petted her head and kissed her forehead.

"It was greatly appreciated, thank you." I said.

"You're welcome, I hope you don't mind me changing the covers for you." Meiko said as she looked down and blushing.

"I don't mind and besides, they need changing anyway." I said.

Yuki's story -

Me and Jenny was shocked, we actually thought that Masashi was gonna hurt us for kissing right in the middle of his dining area of his own castle, but he was cool with it and knowing him, he wouldn't dear hurt us, especially his close friend and his trustworthy maid.

"What a relief, I thought Lord Masashi was going to have our heads for kissing in here." Jenny said.

"No way, not Masashi, he'll never do that to us." I said to Jenny.

"Of course he wouldn't, because he's too good of a person to hurt either of us." Jenny said to me.

"Of course he is, you just gotta believe in Masashi, he's always the man." I said.

Jenny smiled nodded her head at me as we left the dining area, leaving the castle.

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