Chapter 73- Natalia returns part 2

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Kamijo's story continues -

Me, Yuki, Teru and Hizaki stayed at Masashi's castle and waited for him and Meiko come home their trip, Zin came over the next day, 4/15th/16 Friday morning and we told him everything.

"So let me get this straight, you guys tried getting rid of her just to keep her from harming Masashi and Meiko and now she's threatening to black mail Masashi for what happened two months ago with his recent deceased girlfriend Anzu?" Zin asked.

"Thats right and it's all a lie, what happened to Anzu was an accident that Natalia caused, she set up both Anzu and Teru by playing match making so that she can have Masashi all to herself and caused him to accuse Anzu of cheating on him." I said.

"Oh man, then Masashi will be in shit's creek with that crazy chick when he comes home." Zin said.

"We know and we need to do something to keep Meiko safe from her." I said.

"How can we keep her safe? What's your strategy?" Zin asked.

"Masashi will have Meiko to go over to her friend Ayame Uchiyama's house for a bit, while the rest of us get Natalia out of the castle." I said.

"But Kamijo, if we do that she'll black mail by accusing him of killing Anzu." Yuki said.

"And eventually kill him for not making her his girlfriend." Hizaki said.

"Ah! But I have another idea, we're going to hide Masashi." I said.

"How are we going to hide him?" Hizaki asked.

"Simple, I'll take him to my house and have Meiko come over so they can be reunited, Natalia won't even know that he's over there, we'll just have her think that he disappeared off the face of the earth." I said.

"Now that's a plan." Yuki said.

"Indeed." I said.

"Hold on! What if Natalia finds out that Masashi is at your house and Meiko is over there with him? What's gonna happen then?" Zin asked.

"She's not going to find out, because none of us going to tell her." I said.

"So all we gotta do is stick with the plan and not screw it up." Yuki said.

"That's right, we gotta get Natalia out of the castle once and for all." Hizaki said.

"Agreed." I said.

Meanwhile back at the Bahamas:

Masashi's story -

Later that night Meiko and I went back to the hotel and had more sex.

I thrust her and thrust her until we both felt ourselves cumming at the same time.

"Oh Masashi, this trip is awesome, I'll always remember this." Meiko said.

I chuckled at her.

"I'm glad you enjoyed, can't wait to go home to see if everyone at the castle is alright." I said.

"Yeah, me too, I wonder how Jenny is doing." Meiko said.

"We'll see everyone again when we get back home, but right now let's get some sleep, we're leaving first thing tomorrow morning." I said.

"Okay." Meiko said.

We kissed and fell asleep in each other arms.

Saturday, 4/16th/16.

Meiko and I woke up the next morning and started packing and our stuff.

It was 6am when we woke.

"Do you got everything?" I asked Meiko.

"Yeah I got everything, you did you call the pilot?" She asked.

"Yes, we're leaving out now." I said.

"Great, let's call Kamijo and tell him we're coming home." Meiko said.

"Patient, sweetheart, patient, we'll call him when we get the plane filed." I said.

Then I heard my cell phone rang.

"Hello." I said.

"Masashi, it's Kamijo." He said.

"How are you Kamijo?" I asked.

"Look, you and Meiko have to come back to the castle immediately." He said.

"What's going on over there?" I asked.

"I'm back Lord Masashi and I'm in your house." She said.

"Natalia, wtf are you doing over there?" I asked.

"Come to the castle, we got some important business to talk about." She said as she hung up the phone.

I turned to Meiko and she didn't look happy to hear Natalia is at the castle.

"She's over there, isn't she?" She asked.

"Yeah, she's over there, but don't you worry, I won't let her hurt you." I said.

We grabbed our bags and went downstairs to lobby to check ourselves out, then we went outside to the limousine and drove all the way to the plane filed.

I knew something was going on at the castle and we didn't try hard enough to get rid of Natalia, she's like a boomerang that's keeps coming back.

Now, I have to do something to keep her from harming Meiko and get her out of my castle once and for all.

Kamijo's story -

As Natalia hung up on Masashi, we stayed at the castle waited for him and Meiko come back from the Bahamas while we went over with the plans.

"Remember, Masashi will have Meiko to go over to Ayame Uchiyama's house for a bit, while the rest of us get Natalia out of the castle, then we're going to hide Masashi and take him to my house and have Meiko come over so they reunited, Natalia won't even know that he's over there, we'll just have her think that he disappeared off the face of the earth." I said.

"Wait, how are we going to get Natalia out of the castle?" Teru asked.

"We'll set her up by telling her Masashi need her to run some errands, that would get her out of the castle and we'll hide Masashi at my house, then Natalia comes back here, find out that he's gone to Timbuktu and she'll start looking for him there, we'll have her thinking that he disappeared and he's nowhere to be seen." I said.

"That's pretty cold Kamijo, but I like it." Yuki said.

"Yeah me too, it have to work, just watch." I said.

"Lord Kamijo, Lord Masashi and lady Meiko are back." Jenny said.

"It's show time." I said.

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