Chapter 96

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Masashi's story -

"Tanaka, I need to talk to you." I said.

"Yes My lord?" He responded.

"I need you to come with me to the jewelry store." I said.

"May I ask why do you need to go the jewelry store my lord?" Tanaka asked.

"I'm going to buy Meiko a ring."I answered.

"What kind of ring?" Tanaka asked.

"I'm going to buy her an engagement ring." I answered.

"My Lord, are you going to marry lady Meiko?" Tanaka asked in shocked.

"Yes I am, it's about time I make it official with her, I decided to marry her." I said.

"My dear lord, bless you." Tanaka said as his eyes was full of tears.

I knew he wanted me to be happy and go on and marry Meiko before it gets too late.

We went to the jewelry store to pick a ring to fit Meiko and one ring caught my attention, it was a grand blue sapphire ring with eighteen carrot diamonds.

I was strucked by it's beauty, apart of me had to have it.

"That will fit Meiko's finger nicely." I said to Tanaka.

"Good eyes my lord." He said.

"Excuse me?" I asked for the jeweller.

"Yes sir?" He responded.

"I like to buy that ring with the eighteen carrot diamonds." I said.

"You mean this grand blue sapphire ring?" The jeweller asked as he pulled it out of the glass cabinet.

"Yes, that's the one." I said.

"Good eyes, you're in luck." The jeweller said.

"Really? I'm in luck?" I asked.

"Yes, this was placed on display just yesterday and lots of people wants to get their hands on it, but right now it's worth a lot of money." The jeweller said.

"How much it's worth?" I asked.

"It's worth ¥28,000.00." The jeweller answered.

When he said that, I was shocked, but at the same time I had to buy that ring for Meiko.

I looked at Tanaka and he nodded his head at me.

"I'll take it." I said.

"You know, you look like you're willing to buy this ring for a certain somebody." The jeweller said.

"Well yes I am. You see, I'm getting a ring for a special lady in my life and I want to marry her." I said.

"I see, well take this ring and give it to her." The jeweller said.

"Thank you very much." I said as I paid for the ring.

We went back to the castle and we went upstairs to my office to discuss when was I going to propose to Meiko.

"When are you going to propose to her my lord?" Tanaka asked.

"I'll let you when." I answered.

I hid the ring in droar and Meiko came in the office.

"Hey Masashi, I've been looking everywhere for you, where have you been?" She asked.

"Oh, I went to go see a man about horse." I said as I told a lie.

"Hahahaha! That's funny, well anyway, Kamijo is taking me shopping for your birthday present, Yuki and Jenny are tagging along." Meiko said.

"Wait, say what now?" I asked.

"He's taking me shopping for your birthday present and I want you to be surprised." Meiko said.

"Oh, okay. Have a nice time." I said.

As Tanaka and I watched her leave the office, apart of me felt a bit uneasy about Kamijo taking Meiko shopping.

Sure I trust him, but I didn't want him get too close her because I wanted to marry her and as I saw the expression on Tanaka's face, he felt the same way.

Seventeen minutes later, Kamijo came to my office wondering how long I been in there.

"How long you been in here?" He asked.

"About seventeen minutes, I was thinking about Meiko." I said.

"What about her?" Kamijo asked.

"Funny you asked because I was thinking about marrying her." I said.

When I said that to Kamijo, he didn't look all too happy to hear my news.

"I'm sorry but, how old are you?" He asked as he got his eyebrow raised.

"36." I answered.

"How old you're going to be?" Kamijo asked.

"37." I answered.

"And how old is Meiko?" Kamijo asked.

"24, why are you asking that?" I asked.

Then out of nowhere, he smacked me.

"Are you out of your freaking mind?!" Kamijo asked me out loud.

"No, are you?" I asked as I got angry.

"You barely know her and you're thinking about marrying her." Kamijo said.

"Yeah, so what? I know her well enough." I said.

"You do realize how old you are to her right?" Kamijo asked.

"So f*cking what?" I'm in love with her." I said angrily.

Kamijo's eyes opened wide completely when I told him that.

"Masashi, I'm afraid for her and you." He said.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing." I said.

"Just out of curiosity, when are you going to propose to her?" Kamijo asked.

"I'll let you know when." I said as I left the office, leaving  him worried about me.

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