Chapter 4- bull fighting part 3: My name is Masashi

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Meiko's continues-

"So, we meet again." I said nervously.

"Indeed." He said as he put his cigarette out.

While I was looking at him, I never knew how tall he was, all I knew how beautiful and good looking he was.

He walked over to the couch and sat next to me.

"So, what was a beautiful little girl like you doing at a place like that?" He asked me.

I was so nervous I couldn't get more than two out.

"I've asked you a question, what was a beautiful little girl like you doing at a place like that?" He asked again.

"At first, I was on my way to work and when I got there my coworker told me that I have a day off." I said.

"Your coworker? What's coworker's name?" He asked.

"Her name is Ayame." I answered.

"And where do you work at?" He asked.

"I worked at a cafe that's around the corner from the movie theater." I answered.

"You mean that same cafe where I first saw you other day?" He asked.

"Yeah, you were there weren't you?" I asked.

"Of course I was there, I asked for a cup of coffee." He said.

"Hmmm! Yeah, I remember now, it's all coming back to me." I said as I thought about what happened to me today.

"I'm listening." He said.

"When Ayame told me that I have a day off from work today I went back to my apartment and when I got there my door felt like it was unlocked like as if somebody had broken in, all of my processions are still there, then some guy grabbed me from behind and kidnapped me, I tried to call for help but he injected me with a needle and I blacked out.
Then I woke up and found myself in a bull shed with a big ass caged bull and I was dragged outside in a ring and they -" He stopped me in my tracks by raising his hand.

"They had you to fight a bull." He said.

"Yeah, how did you know?" I asked.

"My men and I was at the V.I. P section of the arena and we saw you fighting for your life out there, you passed out and my guards went out there, killed the bull and rescued you." He said

"And then what else happened to me? Why am I here? I shouldn't be at no arena fighting a bull that smells like holy shit, I should at my apartment right now, going out to see a movie or shopping, why would they had to fight a bull for? I'm not a bull fighter, people these days are so damn despicable it's a shame that nobody isn't laughing.
I'm not worth fighting a bull for, I'm not worth anything, I was born with nothing, the people at the orphanage were like my family to me, the children were like my little brothers and sisters, I never knew my real parents and I don't have any brothers or sisters, I'm all alone, I have no family, I have nothing." I said as I broke down in tears.

I buried my face in my hands crying.

He moved over beside me, put his arm around my shoulders and pulled my hands down from my face, lifted my chin up and wiped the tears from my eyes.

What a gentlemen...

"There, there, you're safe now, please don't cry anymore, you'll be well taken care of, I'll protect you." He said as he was comforting me.

"But why am I here? How can you protect me? I should be at my apartment." I said as I was still crying.

"Like I said, my guards went out to the ring, they killed the bull and rescued you, then when we got out of the arena some group of men came out and they wanted you to finish the bull fight and well, haha! I couldn't bare to see such a beautiful little angel like you fighting a wild beast like that so I made an offering and brought you here." He said.

"What kinda offering?" I asked.

"I offered them ¥650,0000." He said.

"So,you saved me again." I said surprisingly.

"You're welcome. By the way, what's your name?" He asked.

"My name is Meiko Watanabe, nice to meet you." I said.

"Meiko Watanabe, such a beautiful name, my name Masashi, it's a pleasure." He said.

"Masashi, that's a cool name." I said making myself blush.

He chuckled and said," Why, thank you."

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